Event Promotion

Important: Oracle Guided Campaigns is only available if you have purchased licenses. Please contact your account representative for more information.

The Event Promotion tactic in Oracle Guided Campaigns allows you to send an event invitation, or a webinar invite.

This is designed to work in tandem with a custom object in your Oracle Eloquainstance which manages your invite registrations.

Note: Custom objects will be managed by your Eloqua Administrator.

The Event Promotion tactic has 5 steps in the guided process.


You should select the audience that you wish to send to.

This can be an existing segment in Eloqua, or you can create a new one for use.

If you wish to create a new audience, you can upload a .csv file to create a new audience. This will also create a segment in your Eloqua instance.

Learn more about Audiences in Oracle Guided Campaigns.

Invitation emails

You should select the invite email(s) that you wish to send out to your recipients.

If you need to create a new email, one can be created from an existing Eloqua template.

You must choose two emails and the custom object criteria that validates whether your recipients have registered, and should receive the second email or not.

Email delivery settings

This step allows you to alter the settings that will alter your email's send schedule or behavior.

If the audience is large, you can choose to break your email into smaller batches, or use scheduling options to ensure that your emails only go out on the days you require and during stated hours.

Learn more about Email Delivery Settings.

Post invitation action

The Post Invitation Action allows you to choose what action to take to those contacts who register for your event.

These are the three actions you can choose from:

  • Add to List: This allows you to add your contacts to a static list in Eloqua. This might be useful if you want to maintain a list of all contacts who have flown through your nurture campaign.
  • Add to Campaign: This allows you to drive your contacts onto a further marketing campaign. This might be useful if you wish to push contacts into a marketing campaign or an Event reminder flow
  • Add to Program: This allows you to drive your contacts into a processing program in Eloqua. This might be useful if you want them to be moved into a data sanity program or a program to conduct Lead or Opportunity qualification.


This allows you to review your campaign and add your campaign start and end dates before publishing your send.

You should ensure that all the assets are correct and that there are no errors preventing publication

Learn more about the Campaign Summary.

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Oracle Guided Campaigns Tactics

Guided Campaigns, Event Promotion