Top Engaged Accounts report


This report shows the account engagement of your top accounts. The top accounts are measured using the sum of the total clickthroughs, form submissions, page views, and external activities. Drill through to view the contacts associated with these activities.

  • Folder location: Catalog/Shared Folders/Dashboard Reports/Account Engagement
  • Subject area: Account Activity
  • Questions this report helps you answer: Which accounts have the greatest engagement? What is the total number of contacts, clickthroughs, form submissions, external activities, and page views for the top accounts?

Tip: If you’re looking for a more visual report showing account engagement, have a look at the Account Engagement Dashboard.

Good to know

  • Accounts are determined using either the account to contact linkage or the contact's company name. For example, if a contact has an account linkage, the activity is associated to the linked account name. Whereas, if a contact does not have a linked account, the activity is associated to the company name. You can use the Account Source column to understand the source of the account name.
  • Account engagement is measured using the total email clickthroughs, form submissions, page views, and external activities.
  • This report and the Account Engagement Dashboard refresh every 24 hours.
  • Unless otherwise noted, forwarded messages count toward the metrics in this report. For example, if a campaign member or email recipient forwarded an email, and the recipient clicked a link, the recipient's clickthrough would count towards the clickthrough metrics in this report.

Sample report

An image of the Campaign Analysis Overview report

Report prompts

Prompt Description
Select Time Span or activity date range

Select either the time span (last 7, 14, or 30 days) or enter a date range.

Report metrics

Tip: In addition to the report metrics, click the account name to view additional attributes such as the contacts that performed the activities.

Metric Description
Account Contacts

The total contacts associated with the account.

Total Clickthroughs The total clickthroughs. This includes multiple clicks by the same recipient. System Action links are not tracked.
Total Form Submissions The total forms submitted. This includes multiple submissions by the same contact.
Total Page Views The number of times that a page was viewed. A visitor might view the page multiple times during a visit and this metric counts each of those views. One page view is counted every time the page is loaded.
Total External Activity The amount of activity that occurred outside of Oracle Eloqua. For example, attending a trade show, or interacting with an app such as WeChat. The data associated with an external activity is either uploaded to Oracle Eloqua or generated by an app. For more information, see External assets and activities.

Learn more

Account Engagement Overview dashboard

Account Activity