Setting up personalized Recommendations in batch emails

To use 1-1 Recommendations in batch emails, Responsys needs access to visitor history data as part of the user profile. To do this, you can store the Visitor History Responsys User Profile Extension Table so that the history can be accessed during batch email campaigns using 1-1 Recommendations.

To set up personalized Recommendations in batch emails: 

  1. You will first need to follow the steps for Setting up personalized Recommendations for triggered emails.

  2. In the Program Designer for your Program in Responsys, click Set Data and define the fields that can store the user history data sent to Responsys.

  3. In the example below, the values of the user history variables (RECHIST1, RECHIST2, and RECHIST3) are stored into new Responsys fields with the names STORED_RECHIST1, STORED_RECHIST2, and STORED_RECHIST3.

    An image of the Set data activity dialog

  4. The defined Responsys fields (STORED_RECHIST1, STORED_RECHIST2, and STORED_RECHIST3) need to be defined in your Profile List before being used in the Program. To do this, update the schema of the Profile List by clicking the Change Schema option in the Profile Lists section.

  5. An image of the Change Schema option

  6. In the following dialog, add the variables STORED_RECHIST1, STORED_RECHIST2 & STORED_RECHIST3.

    An image of the Change Schema dialog

    This ensures that user history data is appended to the STORED_RECHIST1, 2, 3 user Profile Extension Table and the STORED_RECHIST variable can be used when creating campaigns. Refer to the image below.

  7. An image of the Session History Parameter field

Responsys is now enabled to support personalized Recommendations for batch emails.

Learn more

Recommendation Strategies

Adding Email Recommendations

Adding Recommendations service (API)

Adding Web Recommendations

Recommendations Filtering