Creating dimensions

If you have the necessary rights, you can create dimensions for use in reports.

To create a dimension:

  1. Open a report and hover over a dimension in the report until the plus icon is displayed: Image of the plus icon, which is displayed when you hover over a dimension

    Image of a report highlighting the plus icon used to drill down into a dimension in order to add a dimension

    Note: The plus sign is only displayed for dimensions below the top dimension of the report table.

  2. Click the plus icon Image of the plus icon, which is displayed when you hover over a dimension. The dimension menu is displayed.

    Image of the dimension dialog highlighting the Create Dimension button

  3. Click Create Dimension. The Create Dimension dialog is displayed.

    Image of the dimension dialog with a dimension selected

  4. In the Create from section, click Choose a parameter to display the list of parameters.
  5. Type a parameter name to search for it or browse the list to find and select it. The parameter is added to the dimension.
  6. In the Include section, click the list to select one of the following event types to include in the dimension:
    • All events (the default): Identify all events where the dimension's parameter is present.
    • First event in sessions: Identify events where the dimension's parameter is present in the first event of the session.
    • Last event in sessions: Identify events where the dimension's parameter is present in the last event of the session.
    • First occurrence of an event in sessions: Identify events where the dimension's parameter is first present in the session.
    • Last occurrence of an event in sessions: Identify events where the dimension's parameter is last present in the session.
    • Most recent in sessions: Accumulate the measure values of this dimension and attribute values to the most recent occurrence of this dimension in the session.
  7. (Optional) In the Display section, you can choose to exclude results with no data.
  8. Enter a name for the dimension that is unique within the account and enter a description so that others can quickly understand the purpose of the dimension.
  9. Click Save. The dimension is added to the location in the report where you clicked the plus icon Image of the plus icon, which is displayed when you hover over a dimension. An edit icon Image of the edit iconis displayed next to it because it is a custom dimension. Standard dimensions cannot be edited, so they lack an edit icon.
    Image of a standard dimension with an x icon and a custom dimension with an edit icon and close icon



Standard dimensions

Adding dimensions to a report

Report table

creating dimensions