Mobile App Config - Responsys

Before Responsys users can use Push campaigns with your mobile app, there are several configuration steps that must occur. App developers perform most of these steps, but Marketers and Responsys Account Admins have tasks that they perform also.

Tip: You can find the corresponding guide for Responsys Account Administrators here.

Marketer and Account Admin tasks are also described in greater detail in the Responsys online help system, which Responsys users can access after logging into a Responsys account.

Step Task Responsible Role
1 Gather App Design Requirements All
2 Set up App Channel List and its Preferences Profile Extension Table in Responsys Responsys Account Admin
3 Obtain mobile platform-specific credentials from providers (APNs or GCM), as described in the platform-specific sections of this guide Mobile App Developer
4 Log in to the Mobile App Developer Console Mobile App Developer
5 Set up Apps and Platforms Mobile App Developer
6 Download the required pushio_config.json and PushIOManager SDK files Mobile App Developer
7 Develop the mobile app for each platform, per the app design requirements Mobile App Developer
8 Perform additional mobile app configuration in Responsys Responsys Account Admin
9 Send a Test Push to the Mobile Apps Mobile App Developer
10 Develop and deliver Push and In-App Message campaigns


11 Implement and Validate Campaign Engagement Event Tracking

Mobile App Developer