Troubleshooting Common Problems

The following table lists common errors or scenarios and their solutions. Use this table in addition to the Integration Manager log file to try and troubleshoot your integration before you contact OpenAir Customer Support.

Error / Scenario


Error "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden"

Verify that the version of Exchange Server specified in OpenAir Exchange Setup matches the version of Exchange Server you are running on your mail server. See Connecting OpenAir Exchange Manager with On-Premise Exchange Server.

Error: "Exchange Server doesn't support the requested version"

Verify that the version of Exchange Server specified in OpenAir Exchange Setup matches the version of Exchange Server you are running on your mail server. See Connecting OpenAir Exchange Manager with On-Premise Exchange Server.

Error: "Exception: The handle is invalid" when exporting bookings from OpenAir to user mailboxes stored in an Exchange Online organization.

Verify your Exchange Online credentials. In particular, verify that the client secret is still valid. This error is often due to an expired client secret. See Connecting OpenAir Exchange Manager with Azure Active Directory or Exchange Online and Registering OpenAir Exchange Manager With Microsoft Identity Platform.

Error: "Could not lock file" when running OpenAir Exchange Setup .

Log into Windows as an administrator, and run OpenAir Exchange Setup again, or right-click the shortcut and choose Run as administrator.

Error: "Status: Access is not enabled. Please contact your OpenAir account administrator to enable this functionality." when clicking File > Update in OpenAir Exchange Setup

Contact OpenAir Customer Support and request the following for your account:

  • Disable and enable again Access to OpenAir Exchange Manager.

  • Enable and disable again Access to OpenAir Outlook Connector.

The Exchange user mailbox dropdown list does not include the user mailbox I want to map to the OpenAir user record.

Verify that the user mailbox is not already mapped to another OpenAir user record.