
What are Consumables?

Consumables are a custom record that represent billable or fulfillable items used on a task. Upon task completion, consumables are added to the primary sales order on the case and are fulfilled.

Case Transaction Field

This field contains the primary billing transaction for a case. When consumables are billed, they are added to this transaction only if it is a sales order. If this transaction is not a sales order, this field is updated with a new sales order populated by the consumables.

Consumable Column Field

This field contains the related consumable record for each line of a transaction. This field applies to Sales Orders and Item Fulfillments.

Update Consumables

A task whose status changes to Completed or a consumable record created on a completed task will schedule the NextService Scheduled : Consumable scheduled script with script deployment id customdeploy_nx_consumable.

This Scheduled Script processes consumable records in bulk by:

  1. Adding unbilled consumables to new or existing sales orders.

  2. Updating cases with a reference to their newly created sales order.

  3. Fulfilling open sales order lines related to a consumable.

  4. Updating consumables with a reference to their billing sales order.

If this Scheduled Script is interrupted and rescheduled, it prioritizes partially processed consumables before moving on to those that are fully unbilled.

General Notices