Adding the Incoming E-Documents Portlet to a Dashboard


To access the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Certification Tax Authorities.

The Incoming E-Documents Pending Receiver Acknowledgment portlet displays information about the e-documents you received that are pending the submission of a definitive receiver acknowledgment event.

The following are definitive receiver acknowledgment events:

To add the E-Documents Pending Receiver Acknowledgment portlet to a dashboard:

  1. Go to the home page.

  2. Click Personalize.

  3. On the Personalize Dashboard menu, select SuiteApps.

  4. Click the Incoming E-Documents Pending Receiver Acknowledgment portlet, or drag the icon to the dashboard.

    The Incoming E-Documents Pending Receiver Acknowledgment portlet appears on your dashboard. The portlet lists the incoming e-documents and displays the following columns:

    • Days to Acknowledge – Displays the number of days left to send a definitive receiver acknowledgment event for a given e-document.

      The deadline for sending a definitive event is defined by the Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ).

    • View – Displays a link that redirects you to the Receiver Acknowledgment page.

      When you click the link, the page opens and automatically searches for the incoming e-document you chose. Then, you can select the incoming e-document and the event you want to send. For more information, see Sending Receiver Acknowledgment Events.

    • Subsidiary – Displays the name of the subsidiary that received the incoming e-document.

    • Vendor – Displays the name of the vendor that certified the incoming e-document.

    • Vendor Federal Tax Registration – Displays the federal tax registration number of the vendor.

    • State – Displays the acronym of the state where the incoming e-document was certified.

    • E-Document Number – Displays the number of the incoming e-document.

    • Amount – Displays the amount of the incoming e-document.

    • Certification Date – Displays the date when the incoming e-document was certified by the tax authority.

    • Access Key – Displays the access key the tax authority assigned to the e-document.

  5. Click Next and Previous to view all the incoming e-documents available for sending receiver acknowledgment events.

    The portlet lists 5 incoming e-documents at a time.

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