Sending Receiver Acknowledgment Events


To access the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Certification Tax Authorities.

Brazil Certification Tax Authorities enables you to send receiver acknowledgment events to communicate to the tax authority whether you recognize an incoming e-document or not.

You can set up the receiver acknowledgment feature to send the initial e-document awareness event automatically when your subsidiary receives the e-document. This event enables NetSuite to download the incoming e-document XML file from the tax authority. For more information, see Adding Receiver Acknowledgment Custom Fields.

If you prefer to send e-document awareness events manually, you should send them for every incoming e-document before you send any other event. NetSuite cannot download the e-document XML file until you send the event.

When you send the transaction acknowledgment event, you can automatically register the transaction in NetSuite as a vendor bill. You can choose to create a standalone vendor bill or generate it from an existing purchase order. The system extracts the transaction information from the XML file and fills the vendor bill.

Before you try to create a vendor bill from an incoming e-document, ensure that:


To monitor the conversion of incoming e-documents into vendor bills, add the e-documents portlet to your dashboard. For more information, see Electronic Documents Dashboard SuiteApp Portlet.

To send receiver acknowledgment events:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Receiver Acknowledgment > New.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary that received the e-documents you want to acknowledge.

    NetSuite automatically populates the Subsidiary Federal Tax Registration field.

  3. To search a specific incoming e-document, in the Access Key field, enter the access key assigned to the electronic invoice.

  4. To search incoming e-documents involving a specific vendor, do the following:

    1. In the Vendor field, enter at least the first 3 letters of the vendor's name.

      NetSuite lists the names of vendors who match the letters you entered. The field only displays the first 100 results.

    2. If you can't find the vendor you want, enter more characters to refine the search.

    3. Select the vendor from the list of results.

  5. In the Period field, select the start and end date of the incoming e-documents.

  6. To search incoming e-documents associated with specific receiver acknowledgment events, in the Type of Event field, select one or multiple types of event.

  7. Click Search.

    NetSuite lists the incoming e-documents that match the search criteria.

  8. To view the incoming e-document file, do the following:

    • To view a PDF representation of the e-document, in the PDF File column, click View.

    • To view the e-document in XML format, in the XML File column, click View.

    • To download the XML file to your device, click Download.


    The XML and PDF files become available after the certification of the e-document awareness event. The files can take up to two hours to appear on the column due to the Secretaria da Fazenda's processing restrictions.

    You do not need to wait for the XML file to become available to send receiver acknowledgment events for the e-document. However, NetSuite requires the XML file to generate the PDF and to convert the e-document into a vendor bill.

  9. (Optional) If you want to associate the incoming e-document to an existing purchase order, in the Purchase Order column, select the number of the order.

    The column only lists purchase order numbers associated with the subsidiary you selected on your search.

  10. To compare the e-document with the purchase order you associated, in the PDF File column, click Compare.

    NetSuite opens a new tab and displays a PDF representation of the e-document next to the purchase order record.

  11. (Optional) In the Event column, verify the latest receiver acknowledgment event sent for the e-document.

    If the column displays No Status Available, you either:

    • Have not sent the e-document awareness event yet.

    • Used an external tool to send a receiver acknowledgment event for the e-document.

  12. Check the boxes next to the incoming e-documents you want to acknowledge.

  13. If you want to apply the same event and justification to multiple incoming e-documents, do the following:

    1. Under Bulk Receiver Acknowledgment, in the Event field, select the receiver acknowledgment event you want to send.

    2. If you selected the Transaction Not Performed event, in the Justification field, enter the reason why the transactions were not performed.

      The justification must have at least 15 characters and at most 255 characters.

    3. Click Apply to Selected.

  14. If you want to apply an event and justification to an individual incoming e-document, do the following:

    1. In the Event column, select the receiver acknowledgment event.

    2. If you selected the Transaction Not Performed event, in the Justification field, enter the reason why the transaction was not performed.

      The justification must have at least 15 characters and at most 255 characters.

  15. If you want to send the receiver acknowledgment events without registering the transactions in vendor bills, click Send Events.

    NetSuite opens the Receiver Acknowledgment Requests Batch page. This page displays the requests created to send the events for certification. Each request can contain up to 20 events.

  16. If you want to send the receiver acknowledgment events and register the transactions in vendor bills, click Send Events and Create Vendor Bills.

    NetSuite opens the Receiver Acknowledgment Requests Batch page. This page displays the requests created to send the events for certification. Each request can contain up to 20 events.

    After the certification, the system starts creating the vendor bills. If you associated purchase order numbers to the incoming e-documents, the system converts the purchase orders into vendor bills.

  17. (Optional) Refresh the page until the Status of the Requests Batch field shows Completed.

    This status means that all the requests in the batch have been sent to the tax authority for certification. You can also verify the status of specific receiver acknowledgment requests and events. For more information, see Verifying the Status of Receiver Acknowledgment Requests.

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