Adding Receiver Acknowledgment Custom Fields


To access the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Certification Tax Authorities.

NetSuite requires you to create a set of custom fields on the receiver acknowledgment tax authority to define the following preferences:

To add the receiver acknowledgment custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup > E-Document Certification > Tax Authority Certification Service.

  2. Find the tax authority certification service record named Receiver Acknowledgment Tax Authority and click View.

    The tax authority certification service record for receiver acknowledgment opens.

  3. Click the Certification Settings subtab.

  4. Find the e-document certification settings you want, and then click Edit.

  5. Click the Custom Fields subtab.

  6. Enable the receiver acknowledgment feature.

    1. Click New Certification Custom Fields.

      A certification custom fields record opens.

    2. In the Custom Field Key field, enter ReceiverAcknowledgmentEnabled.

    3. In the Custom Field Value field, enter true.

    4. Click Save.

  7. Add the folder where you want to save the incoming e-document files.

    1. Click New Certification Custom Fields.

      A certification custom fields record opens.

    2. In the Custom Field Key field, enter IncomingEDocumentFolder.

    3. In the Custom Field Value field, enter the internal ID of the file cabinet folder to save the incoming e-document files.

      To find a File Cabinet folder's internal ID:

      1. Set the Show Internal IDs preference.

        For more information, see Setting the Show Internal IDs Preference.

      2. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

      3. Find the folder to which you want to save the incoming e-document files.

      4. Verify the folder's internal ID on the Internal ID column.

        Take note of the ID to enter it in the Custom Field Value field.

    4. Click Save.

  8. Define whether you want NetSuite to automatically send an e-document awareness event when the subsidiary receives an e-document.

    1. Click New Certification Custom Fields.

      A certification custom fields record opens.

    2. In the Custom Field Key field, enter AutomaticEDocumentAwareness.

    3. In the Custom Field Value field, set your preference for the automatic sending of e-document awareness events:

      • If you want NetSuite to automatically send e-document awareness events for every incoming e-document, enter true.

      • If you want to manually send e-document awareness events, enter false.


        After manually sending the e-document awareness event, the system downloads the full e-document XML file. This process can take up to two hours due to a limitation imposed by the Secretaria da Fazenda.

        You do not need the XML file to send receiver acknowledgment events for an e-document, but NetSuite requires the file to convert the e-document into a vendor bill.

        Be aware that you have 10 days after the e-document certification to manually send the e-document awareness event. If you miss the deadline, NetSuite will not be able to download the XML file.

    4. Click Save.

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