General SuiteTax FAQ

In this topic, you can find generally asked questions and answers related to the SuiteTax feature.

Do I have to pay to gain access to SuiteTax?

No, the SuiteTax feature is available at no cost unless you choose a partner solution.

The following NetSuite tax engines are also free of charge:

  • SuiteTax Engine

  • India Localization SuiteTax Engine

  • Latam SuiteTax Engine

Who are the partners that offer SuiteTax integration?

These are the partners offering SuiteTax integration:

How long does it take to implement SuiteTax?

This varies per account. These are some of the factors that affect the implementation:

  • number of subsidiaries and countries where you operate

  • number of nexuses

  • number of entities

  • number of items

  • complexity of tax requirements

  • existing customizations or scripting that involve any tax-related records

  • internal or third party implementation resources

Will I need any paid professional services to migrate to SuiteTax?

We have a detailed setup guide (NetSuite SuiteTax Engine Setup Guide) and an implementation checklist (to access the checklist, go to SuiteTax Implementation Checklist Reference) that can be used to assess if your team can handle the configuration or not. If you do not have the resources, then you should engage our Professional Services team or a partner for the SuiteTax migration or implementation.

How can I use SuiteTax?

To enable the SuiteTax feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features > Tax subtab. When you enable the SuiteTax feature, you may see certain information messages. The messages you see depend on which preferences you have enabled or disabled. All required actions need to be performed before you can enable the feature. For more information, see Enabling the SuiteTax Feature

What localization bundles or SuiteApps can I use in SuiteTax?

The list of available localization bundles or SuiteApps can be found in the following help topics:

What tax reports are available in SuiteTax?

Aside from the standard tax summary and detail reports, there are country-specific tax reports available. See Country Tax Reports in Tax Reporting Framework for the list of supported country tax reports.

General Notices