Customer Deposit

NetSuite exposes the customer deposit record to REST web services. A customer deposit transaction records the funds received when a customer makes an advance payment for an order. This payment is recorded in the general ledger as a liability until the goods or services are delivered, and does not affect the customer's accounts receivable balance. After the order is filled, the deposit is applied against the invoice.

For more information about customer deposits, see Customer Deposits.

There are no elements on this record that are not accessible through REST web services.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the customer deposit record. It also includes information about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s customerDeposit reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record ID

The record ID for the customer deposit REST record is customerDeposit.


The customer deposit record has a sublist of the accountingBookDetail subrecord.


Before you work with customer deposits, enable the A/R feature.

Code Samples

The code samples in this section show common use cases for customer deposits.

Creating a Customer Deposit

{ "customer":{"id": 6}, "currency":{"id": 1}, "exchangerate": 1.00, "payment": 10.00, "paymentOption": {"id": 4}


Updating a Customer Deposit

{ "payment": 12.0, } 


Related Topics

General Notices