Resolving Errors in Generating Spain VAT Report Files


To access the Spain Localization SuiteApp documentation in Spanish of Spain (español de España), see Spain Localization.

The following table lists possible error situations that occur when the SuiteApp cannot generate the Spain VAT report files, and suggests solutions for these problems.

NetSuite Error Message

Suggested Solution

NIF/VAT number that you used is invalid. Fill in a NIF/VAT number that contains at least 9 alphanumeric characters by going to the Subsidiary page.

This error message offers you a clickable link that takes you directly to the Subsidiary page of the subsidiary that you selected for your report generation.

You can also access this page by going to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries, and then selecting the subsidiary name from the list.

On the Subsidiary page, you can fill in or change the NIF of your subsidiary. NIF refers to the Spanish Tax Registration Number.

To Change the NIF/VAT Number:

  1. On the Subsidiary page, click Edit.

  2. On the Tax subtab, click on the alphanumeric value under Tax Reg. Number table column header. Clicking activates the editing mode of the table, and allows you to change the value.

  3. Fill in a valid NIF/VAT number that contains at least 9 alphanumeric characters.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Save.

For more information, see Setting the Tax Registration Number for Your Spanish Subsidiary.

An internal error has occurred during your report generation. Please try generating the report again.

If this error occurs, try generating the report again. If the error persists, contact Support.

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