Authentication for SuiteAnalytics Connect
There are several ways to access SuiteAnalytics Connect:
Using your NetSuite account email address with a valid password – The Connect Service follows the same password policy used in the NetSuite UI. If the password has expired, you cannot access the service. For more information, see Password Expiration Notifications.
Using two industry standard-based mechanisms: OAuth 2.0 and token-based authentication (TBA) – These two mechanisms increase overall security and enable SuiteAnalytics Connect to use a token to access the data source. Both mechanisms can be used together, but OAuth 2.0 is the preferred authentication method. You should consider using OAuth 2.0 instead of TBA whenever possible. For information about the two authentication methods, see the following:
Note:The OAuth 2.0 and token-based authentication (TBA) methods are available for only. The data source is not accessible for all roles. For more information, see Role and Permission Considerations for
SuiteAnalytics Connect has the following authentication considerations for security purposes.
After five failed attempts, the account is locked. You cannot access your account for thirty minutes, at which point you will have one additional attempt. If another failed attempt occurs, the account is locked again for thirty minutes.
You cannot access SuiteAnalytics Connect in the following situations:
When the Require Password Change on Next Login option is selected on your Employee record’s Access tab.
If your Employee record is inactive.
When your role with the SuiteAnalytics Connect permission is inactive. Also, you must ensure that you meet all Connect permission considerations. See Connect Permissions.
If your password has expired.
For more information about setting up certificate-based server authentication, see the following topics:
ODBC driver, see Authentication Using Server Certificates for ODBC.
JDBC driver, see Authentication Using Server Certificates for JDBC.
ADO.NET driver, see Authentication Using Server Certificates for ADO.NET.