Performing a Cube Refresh

Data is stored and updated in cubes. You should perform a cube refresh (also known as refreshing the database) whenever you make changes to push those changes through to the relevant cubes. This applies to:

You can perform a database refresh from different areas within the system, including through Smart View. The following procedure describes one way to refresh the database in Planning and Budgeting.


You should back up your application before you perform a cube refresh. A cube refresh recreates the outline for all the cubes used in your application based on the current metadata definition for your application.

To perform a cube refresh:

  1. Click the Navigator icon Screenshot of the Navigator icon in NSPB, and then select Dimensions.

  2. Click Actions, and then select Refresh Database.

  3. A warning message displays. Click Refresh.

  4. Wait for the refresh to complete, and then click Finish. Alternatively, click Run in Background.

General Notices