Troubleshooting Post-Processing Plug-ins

NSPB Sync lets you use post-processing plug-ins in NetSuite to import and process data from your Planning and Budgeting. If you execute a data load rule or business rule that uses an erroneous post-processing plug-in, the job ends with the Plugin Error status.


You can see the job execution status at Planning & Budgeting > Jobs > Manage Jobs. If the job is executed successfully in your Planning and Budgeting and the plug-in is executed successfully in NetSuite, the Execution Status column displays Success.

For instructions on troubleshooting the plug-in script error, and additional information, see the following help topics:

Related Topics

Using Post-Processing Plug-ins with NSPB Sync
Using NSPB Sync Post-Processing Plug-ins
Creating Custom Plug-ins
Using Custom Plug-ins with NSPB Sync
Selecting a Plug-in for Data Processing
Setting Up Your Planning and Budgeting for Budget Data Import

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