Generating Payment Slips in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The payment slip, also know as boleto bancário, is an exclusive Brazilian payment method. It enables the beneficiary to receive a payment until a certain due date. With the Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp, you can generate payment slips and the proper payment files that communicate their generation to the bank.

You can generate payment slips directly on invoice transaction records, or you can generate a bulk of payment slips from several invoice transactions at once.

Generating a Payment Slip on an Invoice

You can generate a payment slip directly from the invoice transaction record for which the payment is due.

To generate a payment slip on an invoice:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices.

  2. Enter the information relevant to your invoice.

    For more information about creating an invoice, see Creating an Invoice.


    If you use an approval workflow, be aware that you can only generate payment slips in approved transactions. To generate payment slips, the Approval Status field value must be Approved.

  3. Click the Parcelas subtab.

  4. In the Condição de Pagamento field, select a condição de pagamento (term of payment) record that uses the payment slip method.

  5. In the Banco Previsão field, select the bank account to which to post the payment received.


    This account must be the same account that you selected in the Conta Contábil field on the banco contas record used to issue the payment slip.

  6. Click Save.

    NetSuite saves the transaction record.

  7. In view mode, click the Parcelas subtab.

  8. Click Visualizar Parcelamento.

    The Parcelamento window opens. It displays the installments created according to the term of payment you selected.

  9. Click Gerar Boletos.

    The Parcelamento window displays the payment slip generation screen.

  10. Verify if the banco contas (bank account) record in the Banco Contas field is the correct one.

    If the record is correct, you can proceed with the next step. If it is not, you must edit the transaction and change the option selected in the Banco Previsão field.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Baixar Arquivo do(s) Boleto(s).

    NetSuite downloads a PDF file to your computer. The file contains all the transaction’s payment slips.

After you generate the payment slips, you must register them with the bank. To register the payment slips, you must include their information in a CNAB 400 delivery file and send it to the bank. For more information about generating a delivery file, see Generating a CNAB 400 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

Generating Payment Slips in Bulk

You can generate payment slips from several invoice transactions in bulk.

To generate payment slips in bulk:

  1. Go to BRHub > Financeiro > Geração de Boletos em Lote > New.

  2. Define the filters to search for the installments:

    1. In the Subsidiária field, select the beneficiary of the payment slips.

    2. (Optional) If you want to filter installments from transactions with a specific customer, in the Cliente field, select the customer.

    3. In the Data Emissão Inicial field, enter or select the start date of the installments you want to filter.

    4. In the Data Emissão Final field, enter or select the end date of the installments you want to filter.

  3. On the Resultados subtab, click Buscar.

    The system searches for the installments that match the defined filters. The matching installments appear under the Resultados subtab.

  4. By default, the Selecionar box is checked for all the installments. If you do not want to generate the payment slips for all the results, clear the boxes next to the installments you do not want to include.


    You can use the Selecionar Tudo button to select all the installments at once, and the Inverter Seleção button to invert the selection.

  5. Click Gerar Boletos.

    Your browser opens a popup window asking you to confirm the operation.

  6. Click the affirmative option.

    The generation process starts. The screen refreshes and the list of Geração de Boletos em Lote records appears.

  7. Find the latest record and verify if Download appears under the Arquivo column next to this record.

    Refresh the page until Download appears on the Arquivo column.

  8. Click Download to download the file.

    NetSuite downloads a PDF file to your computer. The file contains all the payment slips for the installments you selected. You can send the file to your customers.

After you generate the payment slips, you must register them with the bank. To register the payment slips, you must include their information in a CNAB 400 delivery file and send it to the bank. For more information about generating a delivery file, see Generating a CNAB 400 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

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