Deleting or Canceling Payment Slips in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

If you need to erase a payment slip for any reason, you can delete or cancel it. You should delete a payment file if you generated the slip, but did not register it with the bank. You should cancel a payment slip if you generated and registered it with the bank. A payment slip is registered when you have sent it to the bank through a delivery file.

Deleting a Payment Slip

If you generated but did not register a payment slip with the bank, to erase it, you must delete the payment slip.

To delete a payment slip:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List.

  2. Find the transaction from which you generated the payment slip and open it in view mode.

  3. Click the Parcelas subtab.

  4. Click Visualizar Parcelamento.

    The Parcelamento window opens.

  5. Click Excluir Boletos.

  6. Check the Excluir box next to the payment slips you want to delete.

  7. Click Save.

NetSuite immediately deletes the selected payment slips from your account. You can now generate new slips from the previously-associated installments.

Canceling a Payment Slip

If you generated and registered a payment slip with the bank, to erase it, you must cancel the payment slip.

To cancel a payment slip:

  1. Process the CNAB 400 return file you received from the bank.

    This updates the status of the payment slip in NetSuite. For more information about processing the return file, see Processing a CNAB 400 Return File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  2. Delete the payment slip.

    For more information about deleting payment slips, see Deleting a Payment Slip.

  3. Generate a new CNAB 400 delivery file and send it to the bank.

    This updates the status of the payment slip with the bank. For more information about generating the delivery file, see Generating a CNAB 400 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

This communicates the cancellation of the payment slip to the bank. You can generate a new payment slip and register it with the bank afterwards.

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