Setting Up E-Document Templates for Electronic Invoices for Services (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

After you create an e-document package and sending method, you must create the e-document template records. In Brazil, municipal governments are responsible for certifying electronic invoices for services. For this reason, each city has its own e-document templates.

With the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, you can send electronic invoices for the following operations:

You must create an e-document template record for each operation and for each city to which you generate electronic invoices for services. To create the templates, you can use the predefined e-document templates available in the File Cabinet of your NetSuite account. For more information, see Predefined E-Document Template Files for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

See how to create the electronic invoice for services template records in the following topics.

For more information about creating e-document template records, see Creating E-Document Templates.

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