NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Basics

Watch the following help video for information about the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse home page:

For more detailed information about working with data in the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse, see Get Started with Oracle NetSuite Analytics Warehouse.

Managing Data in NetSuite Analytics Warehouse

To work with data transferred to the Analytics Warehouse, on the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse configuration page, click the link Log in to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. The NetSuite Analytics Warehouse home page appears.

To manage the Analytics Warehouse, the following options are available in the navigator menu:

Page Name



The Catalog page appears which displays projects and other objects. For more information, see Work with Projects.


The Data Page lists all data sets. For more information, see Work with Data.


The Console Page is where you manage advanced settings for the Analytics Warehouse. For more information, see Configure Oracle NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Data.

Custom Attributes Mapper and Data Augmentation

There are two options to bring in custom objects and additional standard NetSuite records, the Custom Attributes Mapper and the Data Augmentation. Watch the following help video for information about the Custom Attributes Mapper and the Data Augmentation wizard:

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