Setting Up NetSuite Analytics Warehouse
Watch the following help video for information about how to set up NetSuite Analytics Warehouse:
After the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse feature is enabled in your account, you must complete the setup by Adding Users to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse and Setting Up the Data Transfer.
Adding Users to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse
Adding users to your account enables them to work with data transferred to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. You can add NetSuite users and non-NetSuite users.
To add NetSuite users to your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse account:
Go to Setup > Integration > NetSuite Analytics Warehouse > Configuration.
Note:The configuration page might take some time to load.
Click NSAW User Management.
Click Add NetSuite Users.
Select the users you want to add and click Apply.
To add an external user to your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse account:
Go to Setup > Integration > NetSuite Analytics Warehouse > Configuration.
Note:The configuration page might take some time to load.
Click NSAW User Management.
Click Add External User.
Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the user and click OK.
You need to specify a role for all users you add to the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse account. To do so, select a role from the NSAW Role list. The following roles are available:
NSAW Administrator – Lets you perform all administrator related activities, manage data components, and create data visualizations in the Analytics Warehouse.
NSAW Author – Lets you manage data components and create data visualizations in the Analytics Warehouse.
NSAW Viewer – Lets you view data components and visualizations in the Analytics Warehouse.
There must be a minimum of two NetSuite users with NSAW Administrator role.
All new users, both NetSuite and external, receive an email notification asking them to complete their account activation and enter a password. Use these credentials to access the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse homepage.
Setting Up the Data Transfer
To begin transferring data to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse, you need to select which functional areas to include. Data from your NetSuite account is grouped into predefined functional areas. To learn about the record types and fields available in the data source, see Record Types and Fields.
These are the functional areas that are currently supported:
Employee Expenses
Inventory Snapshot
Purchases and Payables
For more information, see Supported Functional Areas.
To set up the data transfer:
Go to Setup > Integration > NetSuite Analytics Warehouse > Configuration.
Click NSAW Data Transfer Setup.
Select the date from when you want your data transferred.
Select the subsidiary.
Select the functional areas to include in the transfer.
Data from the selected functional areas is refreshed automatically every 24 hours. The Last Transfer column displays the date and time of the first automatic data transfer, or the last manual data transfer. You can find the time remaining before the next automatic data transfer above the functional area list. You can select the interval and specify the time, day, and month of your incremental data load in the Oracle NetSuite Analytics Warehouse.
The first data transfer may take some time. The subsequent data transfers happen incrementally every day.
You don't have to wait until the scheduled data transfer. To work with the most recent data, click Transfer Data in the Transfer Data column to manually start a data transfer. The status of the data transfer is shown in the Last Transfer column.
You can transfer all the data of all your active functional areas by clicking Reset Functional Areas. This action queues all functional areas and transfers all data, not only the incremental data, to Oracle NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. No data is lost by doing this action.
If your automatic data transfer is scheduled in the next hour, the Reset Functional Areas button will not be active. Also, the manual data transfer will not start and you will have to wait for the scheduled time.
Resetting NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Transfer Credentials
As a safety measure for your data, you can reset your transfer credentials at any time. When you reset your transfer credentials, new tokens are created and are automatically sent to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. Allow a few minutes for your transfer settings to be configured. While your new transfer credentials are being configured, you cannot access the Analytics Warehouse configuration.
To reset your transfer credentials on the configuration page, click Reset Transfer Credentials. By default, transfer credentials are assigned to the user that enabled NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. If you want to assign the transfer credentials to a different user, choose the user from the dropdown list and click Reset.
Your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse transfer credentials can only be assigned to a user who is assigned the Data Warehouse Integrator role.
Resolving the Invalid Credentials Error
You must always have a user with the valid Data Warehouse Integrator role and transfer credentials. If you receive an invalid credentials error email, you need to reset the transfer credentials for the Data Warehouse Integrator. The data transfer to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse will hold until a valid user is added.
To resolve the error:
Check the User Account for Data Transfer Credentials list, and ensure the list is not empty.
Select the user from the list and click Reset Transfer Credentials.
Go to the NSAW Console page. For more information, see NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Basics.
Click Data Configuration, and then, Pipeline Settings.
Change the Data Pipeline Status switch to Enabled.
Updating Analytics Administrator Email
The Analytics Administrator receives any notifications related to your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse account, such as service availability. To change the Analytics Administrator email address, choose the user from the dropdown list and click Update NSAW Admin Email.