Canceling Electronic Invoices for Goods for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

In general, you can cancel an electronic invoice for goods (NF-e) in Brazil up to 24 hours after its certification by the tax authority. However, you should verify the deadline set by the Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda (SEFAZ) of the state where the subsidiary is located before you proceed with the operation.

Canceling Electronic Invoices for Goods on Invoices and Returns

If you want to cancel an electronic invoice for goods (NF-e) generated from an invoice or return authorization, follow this procedure:

To cancel an NF-e on invoices or return authorizations:

  1. Find the transaction that generated the NF-e you want to cancel.

    • For invoices, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List.

    • For return authorizations from customers, go to Transactions > Customers > Issue Return Authorizations > List.

    • For return authorizations from vendors, go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Vendor Return Authorizations > List.

  2. Click View to open it in view mode.

    To cancel the electronic invoice, the transaction must meet the following requirements:

    • Under Classification, in the Localidade field, the location of the subsidiary must have been selected.

    • On the Items subtab, the listed items must display the confirmation icon in the Inventory Detail column. NetSuite requires it to generate the credit memo.

      This applies to transactions with inventory impact.

    • On the E-Document subtab, in the E-Document Status field, the status must be Sent.

    • On the NF-e subtab, in the Status NF-e field, the status must be Emitida.

      The NF-e and e-document statuses ensure that the system successfully generated and certified the electronic invoice, so you can cancel it.

    • To cancel invoices, you must have created and associated the Código Fiscal de Operações e Prestações (CFOP) code 1.999 with all Mercosur Common Nomenclature (MCN) codes subject to cancellation.

    • To cancel return authorizations (from a customer or a vendor), you must have created and associated the CFOP code 5.999 with all Mercosur Common Nomenclature (MCN) codes subject to cancellation.

      For more information, see Setting Up MCN Codes (Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp) and Setting Up CFOP Codes (Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp).

  3. Click Cancelar Nota.

    The Cancelamento Notas Fiscais page opens.

  4. To generate the cancellation e-document, click Generate E-Document.

    If the e-document generation is successful, the Send E-Document button appears at the top.

  5. Click Send E-Document.

    If the e-document sending is successful, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

  6. If you want to confirm the electronic invoice cancellation, do the following:

    1. On the cancelamento notas fiscais transaction, click the E-Document subtab .

    2. In the Status field, verify the e-document status.

      If the cancellation was successful, the status is Sent.

    3. Go back to the original transaction (invoice, return authorization, or vendor return authorization).

      1. At the top of the page, verify the status of the transaction.

        If the cancellation was successful, the status is Paid in full.

      2. Click the NF-e subtab.

      3. Under NF-e, in the Status NF-e field, verify the electronic invoice status.

        If the cancellation was successful, the status is Cancelada.

      4. If you want to view the canceled Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (DANFE) file, under Links, click Visualizar NF-e.

      5. Click the Related Records subtab.

      6. Verify if the system created a credit memo to register the cancellation.

        To view the credit memo, click the date.

      7. If the item on the canceled transaction was an inventory item, go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Inventory Activity Detail.

      8. Review the output of goods, identified next to the invoice transaction, and their return to the inventory, identified by the credit memo.

Canceling Electronic Invoices for Goods on Outras Operações Fiscais

If you want to cancel an electronic invoice for goods (NF-e) generated from an outras operações fiscais transaction, see the following steps.

To cancel an NF-e on outras operações fiscais transactions:

  1. Go to BRHub > Transações > Outras Operações Fiscais.

  2. Click Edit next to the transaction that generated the NF-e you want to cancel.

  3. Click the E-Document subtab.

  4. In the E-Document Template field, select the cancellation template.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To generate the cancellation e-document, click Generate E-Document.

    If the e-document generation is successful, the Send E-Document button appears at the top.

  7. Click Send E-Document.

    If the e-document sending is successful, a confirmation message appears and NetSuite automatically adjusts your company’s inventory, reverting the output or input of items. For more information, see Inventory Adjustments and Using Item Records

  8. If you want to confirm the electronic invoice cancellation, click the NF-e subtab.

    1. Under Retorno, review the status, return message, and additional information available to confirm the cancellation or identify problems in the operation.

    2. If you want to view the canceled electronic invoice file, under Links, click Visualizar NF-e.

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