Location ID and Filtering by Location ID

Location ID is a value which can be used to simplify work with translation strings connected to a specific custom record.

When you create a custom record in NetSuite, all the related automatically created custom fields are added into the Manage Translations application.

For example, when you create a custom entry form, other translatable fields such as subtabs, field groups or actions are automatically created. You can display these latest translation strings by clicking the Strings tab in the Manage Translations application and navigating to the end of the list.

Location ID is the name of the custom record or translatable field text value, visible in the Used In column next to the strings automatically created as a part of said record, and it can used for grouping or filtering out of such string.

You can display all translation strings related to a specific custom record by clicking its name in the Used In column of the Strings tab of the Manage Translations application.

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