Payment Times Report Configuration

The ANZ Localization SuiteApp provides your account with the Payment Times Report (PTR) Configuration page where you can set up your PTR details.

To configure the Payment Times Report:

  1. If you have the Administrator role, go to Setup > ANZ Localization > Reporting Setup. Otherwise, go to Setup > Other Setup > Reporting Setup.

  2. Select a Subsidiary.

  3. Enter information in the required fields of the following subtabs:

    1. Entity & Approval Information Subtab

    2. Payment Details Subtab

    3. Others Subtab

  4. Click Save.

The following tables show the subtabs and fields on the Payment Times Report Configuration page:

Entity & Approval Information Subtab

Field Group



Business Details

Business Name

This is the company's business name as registered on the Australian government's business names register. This is a required field.

The Business Name must not contain any special characters, except hyphens and periods, and not longer than 400 characters.


This is the company's 11-digit Australian Business Number without spaces. This is a required field if you do not have an ACN.


This is the company's 9-digit Australian Company Number without spaces. This is a required field if you do not have an ABN.

Business Industry Code

This is the company’s 5-digit primary or main business industry code according to the ATO. This is a required field.

Use the BIC Tool to help you find the correct BIC for your business. See BIC Industry Codes for the full list of codes.

Controlling Corporation Details

Controlling Corporation Name

This is the registered business name of your company's controlling corporation.

The Controlling Corporation Name must not contain any special characters, except hyphens and periods, and not longer than 400 characters.

Controlling Corporation ABN

This is the 11-digit Australian Business Number of your controlling corporation without spaces. This field is required if you did not provide a Controlling Corporation ACN.

Controlling Corporation ACN

This is the 9-digit Australian Company Number of your controlling corporation without spaces. This field is required if you did not provide a Controlling Corporation ABN.

Head Entity Details

Head Entity Name

This is the registered name of your company's head entity. This is the partnership, trust, or entity other than the controlling corporation.

The Head Entity Name must not contain any special characters, except hyphens and periods, and not longer than 400 characters.

Head Entity ABN

This is the 11-digit Australian Business Number of your head entity without spaces. This field is required if you did not provide a Head Entity ACN.

Head Entity ACN

This is the 9-digit Australian Company Number of your head entity without spaces. This field is required if you did not provide a Head Entity ABN.

Submission and Approval Information

Submitter First Name

This is the first name of the person submitting the report. This field is required.

Submitter Last Name

This is the last name of the person submitting the report. This field is required.

Submitter Position

This is the role or position of the person submitting the report in the company. This field is required.

Submitter Phone Number

This is the phone number of the person submitting the report. This field is required.

Submitter Email

This is the email address of the person submitting the report ( This field is required.

Principal Governing Body Name

This is the name of the company's principal governing body.

Principal Governing Body Description

This is the description to the company's principal governing body.

Responsible Member Declaration

This is the date when the responsible member will provide the report to the principal governing body. The date must not be earlier than the Reporting Period End Date or Approval Date for all approvers in the Approver Details sublist. This field is required.

Approver Details

You can add up to three approvers to this sublist. To save the PTR configuration record, you must add at least one approver to the sublist.

First Name

This is the controlling corporation or the first name of the responsible member who approved the report. This field is required.

Last Name

This is the controlling corporation or the last name of the responsible member who approved the report. This field is required.

Job Position

This is the controlling corporation or the role or position of the approver in the company. This field is required.

Phone Number

This is the phone number of the controlling corporation or approver. This field is required.


This is the email address of the controlling corporation or approver ( This field is required.

Approval Date

This is the date when the controlling corporation or approver approved the report. The approval date must be earlier than the Responsible Member Declaration date. This field is required.


This box indicates whether the controlling corporation or approver has signed the report.

Payment Details Subtab

Field Group



Standard Payment Period

Standard Payment Period in Calendar Days

Enter the number of days of your standard supply payment period with small business suppliers. This is the standard number of days that you are required to pay your small business suppliers, disregarding any supply chain finance arrangements. This field is required.

Changes to Standard Payment Method

This is the number of days of your new standard payment period if it changed within the reporting period.

Details of Changes to Standard Payment Period

This includes details why your standard payment period changed within the reporting period.

Shortest Payment Period

Shortest Standard Payment Period

This is the number of days of your shortest payment period with small business suppliers. This field is required.

Changes to Shortest Payment Period

This is the number of days of your new shortest payment period if it changed within the reporting period.

Details of Changes to Shortest Payment Period

This includes details why your shortest payment period changed within the reporting period.

Longest Payment Period

Longest Standard Payment Period

This is the number of days of your longest payment period with small business suppliers. This field is required.

Changes to Longest Payment Period

This is the number of days of your new longest payment period if it changed within the reporting period.

Details of Changes to Longest Payment Period

This includes details why the longest payment period changed within the reporting period.

Invoice Practices and Arrangements

Invoice Practices and Arrangements

This includes details of any practices or arrangements you have for accepting small business invoices during the reporting period.

Practices and Arrangements for Lodging Tender

This includes details of any practices or arrangements with small business suppliers during the reporting period wherein an amount is paid to lodge a tender. This could be a subscription or membership fee.

Practices and Arrangements to Accept Invoice

This includes details of any practices or arrangements with small business suppliers during the reporting period wherein an amount is paid for their invoices to be accepted. This could be a subscription or membership fee.

Supply Chain Financing

Supply Chain Finance Arrangements

This includes any supply chain finance arrangements with small business suppliers.

Benefits of Supply Chain Finance Arrangements

This includes details of any benefits, commissions, or payments received for using supply chain finance arrangements.

Requirements to Use Supply Chain Finance

This includes details requiring small business suppliers to use supply chain financing to be eligible to supply or receive payments from your company.

Others Subtab

Field Group



Notifiable Events

Detail of Change in Accounting Period

This is the date when a change occurred to the accounting period during the reporting period.

Detail of Change in Business Name

This includes details of any changes made to your business name during the reporting period.

Detail Entities Below Reporting Threshold

This includes event details if your company’s income falls below the threshold of 10 million AUD for two years.


Report Comments

This includes any additional information regarding the report.

System Information




This includes a list of all the fields on the Payment Times Report Configuration page. You can select more than one field from the list.

To view the system notes of one or more fields on the Payment Times Report Configuration page, select the fields and click Refresh.


This includes a list of all the subtabs on the PTR Configuration page. You can select more than one subtab from the list.

When you select a subtab, the Fields list displays all the fields related to the subtab. To view system notes of specific fields of the subtab, select the desired fields and click Refresh.

To view the system notes related to all the subtabs on the Payment Times Report Configuration page, select All, and then click Refresh.

System Notes

This sublist displays the system notes related to fields and subtabs selected from the Fields and Subtab lists.

Related Topics

General Notices