Reported Data in the Payment Times Report

All reported values in the Payment Times Report generated from NetSuite are:


NetSuite generates the Payment Times Report in your transaction currency. However, the Australian government requires you to submit the Payment Times Report in Australian dollars (AUD). So, if your subsidiary in Australia uses a currency that is not AUD, you must set up your account to convert your transaction currency to AUD. For more information, see Configuring Account to Show the AUD Currency in Payment Times Report.

The Payment Times Report shows the following information:

Payment Times Report CSV File Headers

You can download a CSV file of the Payment Times Report that includes the following headers:

  • BusinessName

  • ABN

  • ACN

  • ControllingCorporationName

  • ControllingCorporationABN

  • ControllingCorporationACN

  • HeadEntityName

  • HeadEntityABN

  • HeadEntityACN

  • BusinessIndustryCode

  • ReportingPeriodStartDate

  • ReportingPeriodEndDate

  • StandardPaymentPeriodInCalendarDays

  • ChangesToStandardPaymentPeriod

  • DetailsOfChangesToStandardPaymentPeriod

  • ShortestActualStandardPaymentPeriod

  • ChangeShortestActualPaymentPeriod

  • DetailChangeShortestActualPaymentPeriod

  • LongestActualStandardPaymentPeriod

  • ChangeLongestActualPaymentPeriod

  • DetailChangeLongestActualPaymentPeriod

  • NumberInvoicesPaidWithin20DaysOfReceipt

  • NumberInvoicesPaidBetween21And30Days

  • NumberInvoicesPaidBetween31And60Days

  • NumberInvoicesPaidBetween61And90Days

  • NumberInvoicesPaidBetween91And120Days

  • NumberInvoicesPaidInMoreThan120Days

  • ValueInvoicesPaidWithin20Days

  • ValueInvoicesPaidBetween21And30Days

  • ValueInvoicesPaidBetween31And60Days

  • ValueInvoicesPaidBetween61And90Days

  • ValueInvoicesPaidBetween91And120Days

  • ValueInvoicesPaidInMoreThan120Days

  • InvoicePracticesAndArrangements

  • PracticesAndArrangementsForLodgingTender

  • PracticesAndArrangementsToAcceptInvoice

  • TotalValueOfSmallBusinessProcurement

  • SupplyChainFinanceArrangements

  • TotalNumberSupplyChainFinanceArrangement

  • TotalValueSupplyChainFinanceArrangements

  • BenefitsOfSupplyChainFinanceArrangements

  • RequirementToUseSupplyChainFinance

  • DetailOfChangeInAccountingPeriod

  • DetailOfChangeInBusinessName

  • DetailEntitesBelowReportingThreshold

  • ReportComments

  • SubmitterFirstName

  • SubmitterLastName

  • SubmitterPosition

  • SubmitterPhoneNumber

  • SubmitterEmail

  • ApproverFirstName

  • ApproverLastName

  • ApproverPosition

  • ApproverPhoneNumber

  • ApproverEmail

  • ApprovalDate

  • PrincipalGoverningBodyName

  • PrincipalGoverningBodyDescription

  • ResponsibleMemberDeclaration

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