Working with Popup Table and Popup List Answers

Popup tables and popup lists (called picklists and picklist dropboxes) are answers that display filtered content from product tables. You can create popup table answers for input box questions. Popup lists are available for input box and qTable questions. For more information, see Storing Answer Options in Tables, Input Box Questions, and QTable Questions.

Users access the popup table or list by clicking the input box button or the double arrow button on the product interface. When the popup table or a list appears, they display content from the product table as answer options and let users make a selection. On the interface, search boxes are available to look for specific values inside popup tables or lists.

When users make a selection in a popup table or list, they select an entire row of the product table. However, the input box displays only the content of the column you choose. You can map the rest of the values to other fields. For more information, see Completing Questions or Answers Dynamically from Popup Tables or Lists Selections.

When you create a popup table or list, you must specify the product table that stores the information and the column that will display its values in the input box field.

You can let users select multiple rows for a popup table or a popup list. Values will appear separated by commas in the input box. Users must hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple rows on the user interface. You can add a tooltip to let them know that they can perform this action and how to do it.

When you make a popup table, popup list, or the related input box question read-only, the corresponding table or list is not visible to users. You can still let users view the table or the list when they click on the input box button to show features and options that may be available if they make a different selection.

For more information about popup tables and lists see, Working with Popup Table and List Answers for Input Box Questions and Working with Popup List Answers for QTable Questions.

For more information about the basic steps to create answers, see Working with Answers.

Working with Popup Table and List Answers for Input Box Questions

When creating popup tables or lists as answers for input box questions, you can follow the basic steps mentioned in this help topic.

To work with a popup table or list:

  1. On the Answers subtab of an input box question, click New CPQC Answer.

  2. In the Data Type field , select one of the following options:

    • Picklist – Creates a popup table.

    • Picklist Dropbox – Creates a popup list.

  3. Click the Picklist subtab.

  4. In the General section , select the table you want to associate with the popup table or list in the Table Reference field.

  5. In the Column in Table to Get Value field , select the column that provides the value to display in the input box.

  6. To let users select multiple options on a popup table or list, check the Multiselect Picklist box.

  7. To let users view popup tables or lists by clicking the button or the double arrow when read-only, check the Ignore read-only rule for pick button box . Users will still not be unable to enter data in the field.

  8. Click Save.

After completing these steps shared by popup tables and popup lists, you must complete additional steps specific to each answer type. For more information, see the following help topics:

Defining the Popup Table Content

When creating a popup table as an answer to an input box question, you must specify the product table columns you want to display to users. You can also assign labels to the columns.

To define the product table columns to display in the popup table:

  1. Edit the popup table answer.

  2. Click the Picklist subtab.

  3. Click the open icon next to the Table Column Display Configurator field.

  4. In the popup window, select the column of the product table you want to display in the popup table in the From Table Column list.

  5. In the Map Picklist Column field, provide a label for the popup table. This label will be displayed to users.

  6. To display the column in the popup table, check the Visible box next to the product table column selected. Clear this box to map the column, but hide it in the popup table.

  7. To include other product table columns in the popup table, click the Add Filter button and repeat steps 4 – 6.

  8. To save your preferences, click OK.

  9. Click Save.

Filtering the Popup Table Content

After choosing the product table and the columns to display in the popup table, you can filter the product table by a specific value. The popup table will display the matching results.

Two options are available to provide the value for filtering:

  • Manually entering the value.

  • Taking the value from a question or an answer.

    This option dynamically adapts the content of the popup table depending on specific user inputs.

You can create multiple filters with a variety of conditions, such as containing or being equal to the value for filtering.

To associate the filter with checkboxes or radio buttons, one of the product table columns must contain true and false as values.

To filter popup tables by value:

  1. Edit the popup table answer.

  2. Click the Picklist subtab.

  3. Click the open icon next to the Table Filter field.

  4. In the popup window, select the product table column you want to filter in the If Table Column field.

  5. Select a condition, such as contains or equals to.

  6. To select the value to filter the column, two options are available:

    • In the Custom Value field, enter a value.

    • In the Q or Q/A field, select a question or a question and answer combination that contains text.

  7. To add another condition for filtering:

    • Click the Add Condition button.

    • Select a logical operator, such as AND or OR.

    • Repeat steps 4 – 6.

  8. To save your filtering preferences, click OK.

  9. Click Save.

Creating a Popup Table Filter for Users

You can create a filter to let users refine the popup table content. The filter will list the product table columns included in the popup table. The column names will correspond to the labels you assigned to them.

The filter will be displayed above the popup table on the product interface. To filter the popup table, users can check the boxes next to the available options for each column.

To create a popup table filter for users:

  1. Edit the popup table answer.

  2. Click the Picklist subtab.

  3. To define the columns that users can select for filtering, click the open icon next to the Table Filter Bar Configurator field.

  4. In the popup window, select the column you want to appear on the user interface filter in the From Table Column field.

    In this field, you can view the column names from the product table. However, the filter will display the labels you assigned to columns when creating the popup table.

  5. In the Filter Type column, select the Multi-Select option.

    Users will always be able to select multiple options from the filter.

  6. To add other columns to the user interface filter, click Add Column and repeat steps 4 – 5.

  7. To save your filtering preferences, click OK.

  8. Click Save.

Defining the Popup List Content

When creating a popup list (called a picklist dropbox) , you must specify the product table columns that provides the information for the popup list. The popup list shows the values of the selected columns in a dropdown list on the user interface.

To ensure that column values are properly displayed:

  • Enclose the column names between curly braces {Column Name}.

  • Enter the column names exactly as they appear in the product table.

For example, you have the following product table:

Color Name

Color Code

Navy Blue






Let's say you want to display the color name and the color code in a popup list. You also want the color code between parentheses. To obtain this result, you can use the following syntax: {Color Name} ({Color Code}).

The result displayed in the list is:

  • Navy Blue (NVY)

  • Gray (GRY)

  • Gold (GLD)

You can also define the look and feel of the options by applying formatting to the column names. You can change the font and size or make the text bold, italic, or underlined. When adding formatting, place tags outside the curly braces. For example: <b>{Column Name}</b>.

You can check the formatting by clicking the Source button to view the HTML code.

After the popup list is loaded on the product interface, users can manually filter it by using the search box.

If a popup list is associated with a dynamic table with a search filter, you can let users search it before it is loaded. The popup list will only return the options matching the value entered in the search box. This option saves users time when working with large lists that may take a while to load. For more information about dynamic tables, see Storing Answer Options in Tables.

To define the popup list information:

  1. Edit the popup list answer.

  2. Click the Picklist subtab.

  3. In the Custom Picklist Option field , enter the column names between curly braces.

  4. To let users search a popup list before loading, check the Filter by value box.

    You can only use this option with popup lists associated with a dynamic table containing a search filter.

  5. Click Save.

Working with Popup List Answers for QTable Questions

You can create popup lists (called picklist dropboxes) as answers for qTable questions. QTable popup lists work in the same way as popup lists for input boxes.

To create a popup list answer for a qTable question:

  1. On the Answers subtab, click New CPQC Answer.

  2. In the QTable Cell Type dropdown list , select Picklist Dropbox.

  3. Click the Picklist subtab.

  4. In the General section , select the product table associated with the qTable popup list in the Table Reference field.

  5. In the Column in Table to Get Value field , select the column that provides the value displayed in the qTable cell.

  6. In the Custom Picklist Option field , define the product table columns you want to display in the popup list.

    To enter the column names, use the syntax {Column Name}.


    When adding formatting, place tags outside the curly braces. For example:

    <b>{Column Name}</b>

    You can check the formatting by clicking the Source button.

  7. Click Save.

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