Size Limits for Emails and Attachments

NetSuite email size limits include both the email message contents and any attachments included in the email.

Outbound Email Limits

The total email size limit is 15 MB for outbound emails. This limit is for the email message content and all attachments. The limit allows room for the system to add other items required, such as the email header information and message encoding. This means that after the system processes the email to be sent, the resulting email sent from NetSuite may be larger than 15 MB.

Attachment size limits can vary, depending on what you are sending. The following table summarizes the size limits for email messages and for each attachment sent from NetSuite.

Sender from NetSuite

Total Email Size Limit

Individual Attachment File Size Limit


Marketing email merge

15 MB

5 MB



5 MB


SuiteFlow “Send Email” action

10 MB


Dunning Letters SuiteApp

5 MB

The email has a link to the folder where the PDF files are stored. If a PDF file exceeds the limit of 5MB, it is split into separate files, which the recipient is informed of in the email.

SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS)

10 MB

If the file size exceeds the limit, the SCIS application may fail when you click the button to email or print a receipt when a transaction ends. To prevent this, use scaled down or lower resolution images for products in SCIS.

Inbound Email Limits

The following table summarizes the size limits for email messages and each attachment sent to NetSuite.

Receiver in NetSuite

Total Email Size Limit

Individual Attachment File Size Limit


Email Capture Plug-in

25 MB

10 MB


Email Case Capture

10 MB

Not specified, but less than the 10 MB email size limit

If an inbound case capture email message is larger than 10 MB, the system may fail to create a case.

You may find that an email message larger than 10 MB in size does create a case. However, case creation in this situation is not guaranteed.

Transaction Email Capture SuiteApp

10 MB

5 MB

  • Users can send a maximum of 20 email file attachments at one time.

  • Image files (PNG, JPEG) are limited to a single page that contains a single invoice.

  • PDF files are limited to 5 pages with support for a single invoice per file.

  • Avoid including email signature images when sending vendor bills to NetSuite. The received email signature image is treated like a vendor bill attachment. It may cause the attachments limit to be exceeded.

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