Prerequisite Records

After the prerequisite features are enabled and accounting preferences set, configure the following records to work with Advanced Manufacturing records:

Some Advanced Manufacturing records require a reference record to draw data from. For example, an Advanced Manufacturing location must refer to a NetSuite plant or warehouse location record that has the same name.


Location records isolate transaction information for individual manufacturing plants and warehouses. Advanced Manufacturing extends location information to provide added detail about the organization. For example, departments, work centers, and assets.

Each advanced manufacturing location record must have a matching NetSuite location record with the same name.

Before creating an advanced manufacturing location, you must create a manufacturing location. For more information, see Creating Locations.


Bins enable manufacturers to track inventory within their plants or warehouses. You must create at least two bins for each Advanced Manufacturing location. Any items consumed or produced from work orders must be set up to use bins.

For more information, see Basic Bin Management and Setting Up Item Records for Bins.


Routing and work center records let you schedule and record manufacturing activities for work orders that require multiple teams of employees or work centers. For example, Advanced Manufacturing records such as location, work bench, work order completions, and cost templates rely on NetSuite routing data.

For more information, see Manufacturing Routing.

Manufacturing Cost Templates

The Advanced Manufacturing SuiteApp uses conventional work orders, but does no cost calculations. The data collected is interpreted based on the location specific work order completion settings. This creates conventional NetSuite transactions which then use cost templates to calculate assembly costs.

A manufacturing cost template is a list of rates that can be associated with completing a specific operation. The template defines the activities that occur and related costs to be recorded each time this step is completed.

  1. Advanced Manufacturing gathers the following data:

  2. The following manufacturing features then interpret the data:

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