Customizing Roles for Engineering Change Order

The following roles can access the custom forms and records for Engineering Change Order (ECO):

Other roles for Engineering Change Order need additional permissions to use the feature. The following table outlines the permissions required for using ECO. For information about customizing roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.





Custom Record

Engineering Change Order Type


Permits you to create engineering change order types.

Engineering Change Order Type


Permits you to create, view, or edit engineering change orders.

Engineering Change Order



Custom Record Entries


Custom Record

ECO Implementation Log


Permits you to access the engineering change order implementation status.




Permits you to implement approved engineering change orders.

SuiteScript Scheduling


Setting Up Script Deployments for Engineering Change Order

After customizing a role to access Engineering Change Order lists and records, the Administrator must add the new custom roles to script deployments.

The following script deployments permit you to access implement engineering change order records:

If you want to use the SuiteApprovals workflow for ECO, add the new custom roles to the following script deployments:

For more information about the custom role setup for SuiteApprovals, see Creating or Customizing Roles for SuiteApprovals.

To add custom roles to a script deployment:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Click Edit next to the script deployment you want to update.

  3. On the Audience subtab, in the Roles field, select the roles you want to have access to the records used by this script deployment.

    You can select multiple roles by holding down the Ctrl button while selecting each role.

  4. When you have finished, click Save.

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