Project-Based Approvals

Project-based approvals require multiple project approvers to unanimously approve a record. If one or more project approvers become invalid, you can opt to do any of the following:

Project managers are flagged as invalid approvers when the following actions occur while a transaction is in Pending Approval status or undergoing approval:

If an invalid project approver replied with approval or rejection, the following may occur:

If the Project Manager is replaced or removed while a transaction is in Pending Approval status or undergoing approval, the following scenarios can occur:

Related Topics

SuiteApprovals SuiteApp
SuiteApprovals Terminology
Prerequisites for SuiteApprovals
Installing the SuiteApprovals SuiteApp
Setting Up SuiteApprovals
Defining Approval Rules
SuiteApprovals Approval Workflow States
SuiteApprovals Portlets
Tracking Email Notifications for SuiteApprovals
Automatic Approvals
Managing Approvals with SuiteApprovals
Email Approvals

General Notices