Customizing the Printout using Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

You can use advanced PDF/HTML templates to customize the printouts for grid printing. Advanced PDF/HTML templates can access the same FreeMarker codes in the record.custbody_gridoe_productgrpdata and record.custbody_gridoe_trantemplatedata fields. However, not all references used in custom grid print templates are accessible in Advanced PDF/HTML templates.

You must have sufficient CSS and HTML knowledge to update advanced PDF/HTML templates. For more information, see Source Code Editing in the Template Editor.

To see the list of fields and sublists available in advanced PDF/HTML templates, see Advanced Templates Reference.

Follow these instructions to customize advanced PDF/HTML templates for grid print templates.

To customize the printout using advanced PDF/HTML templates:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  2. On the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates list, click the Customize or Edit link for the advanced print template that you want to update.

  3. On the Advanced PDF/HTML Template page, click Source Code to transfer to this mode.

  4. Insert the following codes:

    1. Insert {cssContent} within the <style> </style> tags. This record is used for formatting the grid.

    2. Insert {FTLUtil} before the <head> </head> tags. This record contains FreeMarker functions to manipulate the grid data.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you want to view the changes before saving, click Preview.

  7. Copy the contents of the template and paste into a new XML file.

  8. Upload the XML file in the Grid Printing Templates folder in the File Cabinet. See Uploading Custom Grid Print Templates.

You can also setup the advanced PDF/HTML template in custom forms. For more information, see Setting Custom Forms to Use Advanced Templates

For more information about advanced templates, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

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