Grid Printing

Before you use grid printing, ensure that your account is updated with the required features and permissions. To learn more about the requirements, read the following topics:

For instructions on how to set the preferences for grid printing, see Setting Grid Printing Preferences.

Grid Printing Options

You can use grid printing to display relevant transaction information into a single file. There are two options in grid printing: Standard Grid Order Printing and Grid Print Templates.

Both printing options use the same method of assigning a template for each transaction. On the Grid Preferences page, the grid print template refers to the XML files on the Grid Printing subtab. These templates control how the elements in the printout appear in the PDF file. You can select a template for the following transactions:

  • Cash sale

  • Invoice

  • Packing slip

  • Picking ticket

  • Purchase order

  • Quote

  • Sales order

With grid print templates, the grid tables display matrix items according to the grid template assignment. The printout also shows a consolidated item list to display other items in the transaction that do not belong to the grid table.

You can customize these grid print templates according to your printing preferences.

Guidelines for Grid Printing

Read the following guidelines for grid printing:

  • Both standard grid order printing and grid print template options generate printouts in PDF format. Each PDF has a maximum file size of 10 MB.

  • The default page orientation is in portrait mode. If the transaction contains extremely long field values, text wrapping may occur in the document. You can edit the grid print template to adjust the column width. For more information, see Customizing the Printout using Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  • The printout header contain addresses in the company, vendor, billing, and shipping information. Using the Address subrecord, you can edit these addresses to include additional details, such as phone and email. For more information, see About the Address Subrecord.

  • You must first assign a grid template for matrix items to appear on the grid table in the printout.

  • For invoice, packing slip, picking ticket, purchase order, and sales order, the maximum number of column attributes for each grid table is six. Meanwhile, for cash sale and quote, the maximum is five. When the grid template exceeds the number of column attributes allowed, the printout will display multiple grid tables.

  • You can display child matrix items, which belong to the same parent matrix item, into different grid tables. For more information, see Assigning a Preferred Grid Template Using the Item Record.

  • The number format in the printout follows your user preferences. If you want to change the number formats, select your preferred settings in the Number Format and Negative Number Format lists on the Set Preferences page. For more information, see General Personal Preferences.

  • You can personalize how amounts appear in the printout. If the Multiple Currency feature is enabled, you can change the default currency format in the currency record. If the Multiple Currency feature is disabled, you can adjust the default currency format in the Company Information page. Check the Override Currency Format box to show the Currency Symbol and Symbol Placement fields. For more information, see Customizing Currency Formats.

  • Single transaction grid printing is available only in view mode of the supported transaction records. Grid printing is not available on the Print Checks & Forms page.

For other considerations and limitations, see Limitations of Grid Order Management.

Standard Grid Order Printing

Standard grid order printing refers to the type of printing used in purchase order and sales order transactions.

As you create or edit the transaction, you can use the Grid Order Entry feature to select the appropriate grid template for matrix items on the transaction record.

When you use CSV Import, the system automatically assigns the Grid Item ID and Grid Template values based on the Preferred Grid Template field on the item record. You can assign a different grid template using the Grid Template column in your CSV Import file. For more information, see Importing Grid Orders.

You can use either grid matrix templates or grid item templates to create the grid table for matrix items in the printout. Nongrid matrix items appear in the item list following the grid tables.

Grid Print Templates

Aside from the XML files on the Grid Preferences page, the grid print template also refers to the grid printing option used for other supported transactions. These transactions are created outside the Grid Order Entry feature. Cash sale, invoice, packing slip, picking ticket, and quote transaction records use this type of grid printing.

For packing slips, grid print templates apply only for item fulfillments created from sales order and transfer order transactions.

Unlike in standard grid order printing, you can only use grid matrix templates to create the grid table for matrix items in the printout. Nongrid matrix items appear in the item list following the grid tables. This list includes items that use grid item templates.

The following table outlines the differences between standard grid order printing and grid print template options.


Standard Grid Order Printing

Grid Print Template

Supported transaction records

  • Purchase Order

  • Sales Order

  • Cash Sale

  • Invoice

  • Packing Slip

  • Picking Ticket

  • Quote

Setting the grid print template

  • For purchase order – wd_gom_template_pogridprintout.xml

  • For sales order – wd_gom_template_sogridprintout.xml

  • For cash sale – wd_gom_template_csgridprintout.xml

  • For invoice – wd_gom_template_ivgridprintout.xml

  • For packing slip – wd_gom_template_psgridprintout.xml

  • For picking ticket – wd_gom_template_ptgridprintout.xml

  • For quote – wd_gom_template_qtgridprintout.xml

Using grid templates

You can use either grid matrix templates or grid item templates to create the grid table.

You can only use grid matrix templates to create the grid table.

Creating the transaction using Grid Order Entry

When you create the transaction using Grid Order Entry, the grid table depends on the Grid Item ID and Grid Template field values. These fields are located on the Items subtab of the transaction record.

For more information, see Entering Single Grid Orders.

The Grid Order Entry feature is not available for transactions using this grid printing option.

Creating the transaction using CSV Import

When you create the transaction using CSV Import, the grid table depends on the Grid Item ID and Grid Template field values. These fields are located on the Items subtab of the transaction record.

For more information, see Importing Grid Orders.

For transactions using this option, the Grid Item ID and Grid Template fields on the Items subtab are irrelevant to the grid table. These fields are either ignored or do not exist in the transaction record.

The grid table only displays items that have an assigned grid matrix template.

To confirm the template assignment, go to the item record. On the Custom subtab, verify that the Preferred Grid Template field value is a grid matrix template.

If the Preferred Grid Template field is blank, the oldest grid matrix template on the Grid Templates page becomes the template.

Manually adding items using the Items subtab in the transaction record

When you manually add items on the Items subtab of the transaction record, the Grid Item ID and Grid Template fields are blank and disabled. Therefore, these items appear on the item list in the printout.

For cash sales, invoices, picking tickets, and quotes, manually added items appear in the grid table only if the items have an assigned grid matrix template.

For packing slips, you cannot add items using the Items subtab of the transaction record.

Button Labels

For purchase orders and sales orders, use the Print Grid button.

For cash sales, invoices, and quotes, use the Print Grid button.

For packing slips, use the Print Grid Packing Slip button.

For picking tickets, use the Print Grid Picking Ticket button.

Mapping fields in grid print templates

For purchase orders, see Purchase Order Printout Fields.

For sales orders, see Sales Order Printout Fields.

For invoices, see Invoice Printout Fields.

For packing slips, see Packing Slip Printout Fields.

For picking tickets, see Picking Ticket Printout Fields.

Identifying the grid print template elements

See Grid Table for Standard Grid Order Printing.

See Grid Table for Grid Print Templates.

Related Topics

General Notices