Bulk Grid Printing

Bulk grid printing is available only for transactions where you use grid print templates. You can generate a PDF file that contains multiple transactions for printing. For information about grid print templates, see Grid Print Templates.

Guidelines for Bulk Grid Printing

Read the following guidelines for bulk grid printing:

  • File generation for more than 200 transactions may take more than an hour to complete. To lessen the processing time, reduce the number of transactions.

  • To avoid exceeding the allowed script governance and PDF file size limit of 10 MB, separate files are generated automatically when printing a large number of transactions. For more information, see Script Type Usage Unit Limits.

  • On the Bulk Grid Printing page, the maximum number of rows shown in the sublist per page depends on your general preference setting for list segments. For more information, see the Optimizing NetSuite section in the topic, General Personal Preferences.

  • Email notifications about the outcome of the generated files are routed based on your email recipient preference. For information about this preference, see Setting Grid Order Management Preferences.

Follow these instructions if you want to use bulk grid printing.

To print transactions in bulk using grid printing:

  1. Go to Lists > Grid Order Entry > Bulk Grid Printing.

  2. In the Document Type field on the Bulk Grid Printing page, select the form or transaction type of the records to be printed.

    Use the available filtering and printing options:

    Field Name


    Date From / Date To

    Enter the start and end of the date range in their respective fields. The order date is used for filtering the documents, except for packing slips where the ship date is used.

    • Use Date From without Date To, if you want to retrieve all documents based on or later than the start date.

    • Use Date To without Date From, if you want to retrieve all documents based on or earlier than the end date.


    Select the location of the documents you want to retrieve. Only locations in the transaction header are available for selection.

    For packing slips, filtering by location is not applicable.

    • Selecting All retrieves documents across all locations and includes those without location settings in the transaction header.

    • Selecting None retrieves only documents without location settings in the transaction header.

    Allow Reprinting

    Check the box to retrieve documents that have been previously printed. Otherwise, these documents are not included in your search results.

    Changing filtering options automatically displays new results and clears any selected records from your previous results. View the number of retrieved records in the Total field, located above the sublist header.

  3. Check the box for the records you want to include in the bulk grid printing file.

    Click the Mark All button to select all records on the current page. You can do the same for records on any succeeding pages. Click the Unmark All button to clear records across all pages.

    View the number of currently selected records in the Selected Records field.

  4. Click Print.

    To clear the filter and any selected records across all pages, click Reset.

    The scheduled script that generates the bulk grid printing files is queued for processing. On the information banner at the top of the page, you can click the link to view the processing status. You are redirected to the Bulk Grid Printing Status page where you can monitor the progress. After the files have been generated, look for the log record in the sublist to view the PDF file and processing details:

    • In the File Link(s) column, click the link to view and print the PDF file.

    • In the Error Detail(s) column, you can view information about errors encountered during processing.

    For more information about bulk grid printing logs, see Viewing and Maintaining Bulk Grid Printing Logs.

Viewing and Maintaining Bulk Grid Printing Logs

Read the following topics on how to view and maintain bulk grid printing logs:

Viewing Bulk Grid Printing Logs

You can view the bulk grid printing log records that contain links to the PDF file and processing details.

In case of errors encountered during bulk grid printing file generation, a user with the Administrator role can view the log records for any error details. To see more information about a specific error, administrators can view the script execution logs by going to Customization > Scripting > Scripts Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

To view bulk grid printing logs:

  1. Go to Lists > Grid Order Entry > Bulk Grid Printing Status.

    On the Bulk Grid Printing Status page, all existing log records are shown.

  2. Use the available filtering options to narrow down the list of bulk grid printing logs.

    Field Name


    Document Type

    Select the form or transaction type of the files associated with the bulk grid printing logs.


    Select the bulk grid printing status of the files associated with the logs.

    Date From / Date To

    Enter the start and end of the date range in their respective fields. The date in the print timestamp is used to filter the bulk grid printing logs.

    • Use Date From without Date To, if you want to retrieve all records based on or later than the start date.

    • Use Date To without Date From, if you want to retrieve all records based on or earlier than the end date.

    Printed By

    For Administrators, you can click one or more users from the list to retrieve all associated logs. Only users, both active and inactive, who have submitted bulk grid printing requests are included in the list.

    Only administrators can use the Printed By filter. Only they can view the logs for PDF files they print.

    Changing filtering options automatically displays new results and clears any selected records from your previous results. View the number of retrieved records in the Total field, located above the sublist header.

    To reload the bulk grid printing logs and clear the selected records, click Refresh.

After filtering and viewing the bulk grid printing logs, you can view the files for printing or delete log records.

Viewing Bulk Grid Printing Files

The generated PDF files are attached to their log records. In the File Link(s) column of a log record, click one or more PDF files to view and print.

Use the PDF filename to help you find which files to print. PDF filenames have the following format:

  • Printout_<document type>_<print timestamp>.pdf

  • If multiple files are generated, the following suffix is added to the filename: _<file sequence number>.

Deleting Bulk Grid Printing Logs and Files

On the Bulk Grid Printing Status page, do either of the following:

  • To delete selected logs and files, check the box beside each record and then click Delete.

  • To delete all retrieved logs and files shown on the current page, click Delete All Logs & Files.

Bulk grid printing logs and files that are already being processed cannot be deleted.

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