Carousel Images Subtab

This array specifies the carousel images that appear at the top of the home page. Each carousel image requires the URL property. This string defines the URL of the carousel image. The order in the array specifies the order in the carousel.


The three default images are distributed with the SCA bundle, located in the ShoppingApplication module. You can override these, but the images must be in the file cabinet at Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > [SSP Application] > Development > img.


Carousel styles are dictated by Sass files in the source code. If implementing SuiteCommerce or the Aconcagua release of SCA or later, you can alter the carosel Sass as part of a theme. Sass files for the carousel are located in the twitter-bootstrap-sass module of the SuiteCommerce Base Theme.

See: File Types Recognized in the File Cabinet for a list of supported image file types.



UI location

Layout > Carousel Images

JSON file


Configuration file (pre-Vinson)


Related Topics

General Notices