Conversion by Status Changes and Sales Transactions

The default lead, prospect, and customer record statuses for your account control this conversion workflow. When you create an opportunity, estimate, or sales transaction for a lead, the record type and status change according to the default values in your account. A lead or prospect record automatically becomes a customer when you create a sales transaction for it.

You can also change the status manually. See Status Changes for Leads, Prospects, and Customers.

Your sales manager, or someone with a role that includes the Sales Force Automation Setup permission, creates customer status values and configures the Sales Preferences. For instructions, see Customer Statuses.

For information about opportunities, estimates, and sales transactions, see the following topics:

Status Changes for Leads, Prospects, and Customers

You can change the status of a lead in the Lead Status field of the lead record. If you change the status to a prospect or customer status, the record becomes a prospect or customer. The status is independent of associated opportunities, estimates, and sales transactions.

If your role includes the Mass Updates permission, you can change the status of multiple leads at the same time. For instructions, see Performing a Mass Update on Customer Statuses.

On prospect and customer records, you can change the value of the Status field to revert the record to a lead or prospect. If you revert a record with associated transactions to a lead, NetSuite retains the transactions, but you cannot see them on the Standard Lead Form.

To view transactions associated with a reverted lead, from the Actions list, select View All Transactions.

When you change a reverted lead record back to a prospect or customer, transactions appears on the Sales subtab in the record.

If you discover you have leads with existing transactions that duplicate prospect or customer records, you can merge the records. For instructions, see Merging Customer Records.

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