Workflow for Setting Up a Site Builder Website or Store

To create a Site Builder website, refer to the steps in the following diagram and table. For more information about creating different types of Site Builder websites, read the following topics:


From the 2021.1 release onwards, all Site Builder-related features are accessible via the Commerce tab on the navigation menu. For more information, see Commerce Tab.


For More Information

1. Enable Web Site features.


An Administrator must complete this step.

For more information, see Enabling Web Store Features.

2. Set up domain names.


3. Set preferences at Commerce > Websites > New

Site Builder Web Site Record Settings

4. Create or import item records.

Displaying Items and Information

Option: Use the Content Manager to add tabs, categories and items.

Site Builder Web Site Content Manager

5. Upload and size images.


Ensure image files are marked Available Without login.


6. Create Categories to organize items.

Creating Site Categories

7. Create Tabs to organize Categories.

Creating Website Tabs

8. Create and upload HTML templates.

If integrating with NetSuite checkout, use Web Site Tags.

Hosting HTML Websites with NetSuite Site Builder

Web Site Tags

9. Create Layouts.

Creating and Editing Website Layouts

Option: Advanced Site Customization

Create or edit site themes and item/category templates.

Site Builder Customization

Option: Create a Custom Color Theme

Changing Website Color Themes

10. Create Related Items Groups.

Related Items

11. Set accounting and tax preferences for Web store orders at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences and Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Set Up Taxes.


An Administrator or someone with accounting permissions must complete this step.

The following preferences apply to web stores:

  • Accounting Preferences – Customers Can Pay Online

  • Set Up Taxes – Charge Sales Tax on Store Orders

12. Set up payment methods (including PayPal), and mark them as Display in Web Site.

Payment Options

PayPal Integration and Express Checkout

13. Set up shipping items.

Setting Up Shipping

14. Preview your site at Commerce > Websites > Preview Website, and make changes as necessary.

Previewing Your Site Builder Website

15. Submit your site URL to search engines, and begin search engine optimization.

Site Builder Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Related Topics

General Notices