Creating and Editing Website Layouts

You can use Web site layouts to customize the way items and categories appear in your website.

If you use the Advanced Site Customization feature, you can attach templates for item lists and category lists on the Layout subtab. For more information, see Item and Category Templates.

If you do not use Advanced Site Customization, you can still change the number of rows, and columns applied to any layout. You can also display numbered page navigation links and links for sorting items on the page.

Types of Web Site Layouts

There are several layouts available for basic customization. The list below describes each layout you will find in your account by default:

When you customize any one of the 24 Basic templates provided by NetSuite, you can only modify the fields on the Default Chart Type subtab. To modify the HTML used in each template attached to those layouts, you must enable the Advanced Site Customization feature. For more information, see Advanced Site Customization.

Editing Web Site Layouts

You can edit Web site layouts that you create and the basic templates provided by NetSuite. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Layouts, and then click Customize next to the layout you want to modify. Note that without the Advanced Site Customization feature, your customization options are limited.

Creating Web Site Layouts

After you create a layout, you must select the layout on a tab to display it on your website. For more information, see Customizing Presentation Tabs. To see a new layout on your site, go to Commerce > Websites > Preview Website.

To create an item/category layout:

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Layouts > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the layout.

  3. The sections below describe the fields on each subtab.

Default Chart Type

  1. In the Border Style field, select one of the following:

    • No Window – this places your Welcome message in a colored box at the top of the page

    • Window With Title Bar – this places your Welcome message and featured items in a colored box below your Welcome greeting

    • Window Without Title Bar – this places your Welcome message and featured items in an outlined, colored box

      To customize colors for your layouts, go to Commerce > Site Builder > Appearance > Color Themes.

  2. In the Column Width field, choose Fit to Browser Window or select a column width. The column width options in the list are in pixels.

  3. In the Number of Columns Shown field, choose Single Column List or the number of columns you want to appear on a page.

  4. In the Number of Rows Shown field, choose the number of rows you want to appear on a page. The maximum limit is 50 rows on a page. Visitors to your site can click page links to see more items and categories.

  5. In the Row Height field, specify the height of the table cells in pixels. Enter a number in this field. You can leave this field blank to use the default value set by NetSuite.

  6. In the Row Padding field, define the space between cell content and its borders. Enter a positive number in this field to create more space, or a negative number to create less space. You can leave this field blank to use the default value set by NetSuite.

  7. Check the Paginate box to show your site visitors which page they are on if your list is on multiple pages. In the Display field, choose to show page numbers at the top of the list, bottom of the list, or both.

  8. Check the Sort Links box to allow your customers to sort lists alphabetically or by price. In the Display field, choose to show these links at the top of the list, bottom of the list, or both.

  9. In the Items Are Laid Out field, choose to lay out items horizontally or vertically.

  10. If you want to use a checkerboard effect with this custom layout, check the Use Checkerboard Effect box. This causes every other item in a list to have a background.

  11. In the Sort By field, choose one of the following to sort item or category lists:

    • Sequence – Lists items in the order they appear on the tab or category record.

    • Name – Lists items alphabetically by name.

    • Price – Lists items by price, low to high.

  12. Check the Descending box to list prices from high to low, names from Z to A or sequenced items in reverse

  13. Check the Use Templates box to an item/category templates to format lists for this layout.


    If you check the Use Templates box, the Heading and Items subtabs are removed. The settings on these subtabs should be addressed in your item/category templates.

  14. In the List Template field, select the template for the list of categories or items. This template must include the <NLITEMLIST> tag.

    To create a new list template from this page, click the New button next to the list Template field. For more information, see Creating Item/Category Templates.

  15. In the List Cell Template field, select the template for how categories or items in the list should display.

  16. If you checked the Use Checkerboard Effect box, in the Alternate List Cell Template field, select an item/category template to use for every other item or category in a list. The type of tags used in this template must match those used in the templates selected in the List Template field and List Cell Template field. Click the New button to create a new template.


    Item templates and category templates cannot be combined on layouts.


  1. In the Heading Placement field, choose where the category name or the brief description of a category should display.

  2. If you want the heading to have a backdrop, check the Heading Backdrop box. Checking this box applies a custom color to appear behind the category name.

  3. In the Image field, choose how the category image should display in the heading:

    • No Image – this shows no image on the page you apply this custom layout to

    • Show Image Thumbnail – this shows only the image thumbnail

    • Show Full-Size Image – this shows only the full-size image

  4. In the Image Placement field, choose where the category image is placed in relation to the category description.

  5. Check the Gap Between Text and Image box to have a larger space between the image and description.

  6. In the Image Alignment field, choose how the category image should be aligned.

  7. In the Title Text Alignment field, choose how the name of the category is aligned.

  8. In the Description Text Alignment field, choose how the description of the category is aligned.

  9. In the Vertical Alignment field, choose how text is vertically aligned in the heading.


  1. In the List Style field, select one of the following:

    • Graphical Item List – item lists span multiple rows

    • Dense Item List – condenses your item lists into a single row

  2. In the Image field, choose how images should display in a list.

  3. In the Image Placement field, choose how category or item images are displayed in relation to the description.

  4. Check the Gap Between Text and Image box to have a larger space between the image and description.

  5. In the Image Alignment field, choose how category or item images should be aligned.

  6. In the Title Text Alignment field, choose how the names on this list should be aligned.

  7. In the Description Text Alignment field, choose how the descriptions in the list should be aligned.

  8. In the Vertical Alignment field, choose how the text for each item or category should be vertically aligned.

  9. Check the Show Item Prices box to show prices next to items in lists.

  10. To display the Add To Cart link next to items, check the Show Add To Cart Button box. If you do not check this box, the Add to Cart button does not appear next to items. Shoppers must drill down to item details to place items in the shopping cart

  11. To show separators between items, check the Show Separators Between Items box. Separators are small dots that can help differentiate your categories and items.

After you create your custom layouts, you can do the following:

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