Infinite Scroll

The Infinite Scroll extension loads content continuously as users scroll down the page, eliminating the need for pagination. This extension allows users to view items on the Product Listings page (PLP) easily and efficiently, ultimately encouraging sales. With the optional auto scroll feature, you can choose whether users need to click a button to show more content or continue to scroll as new products are automatically loaded on to the page.


Commerce extensions are only available if provisioned, installed, and activated for a selected domain in your account. For more information, see Commerce Extensions.


Extensions require SuiteCommerce or the Aconcagua release of SCA or later.

Configure Infinite Scroll

Use the SuiteCommerce Configuration record to set the labels for the loading buttons and choose whether to enable the auto scroll feature.

To configure Infinite Scroll:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain where the Infinite Scroll extension is activated and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Extensions tab.

  4. In the Infinite Scroll subtab, set the following fields:



    Load More Content Label

    Sets the label for the Load More Content button.

    Load Previous Content Label

    Sets the label for the Load Previous Content button.

    Enable Auto Scroll

    If checked, pages automatically load and display when the user reaches the bottom of the page, instead of offering a Load More Content button.

    This feature prevents users from reaching the site footer until they have scrolled through every page.

  5. Click Save.

After configuring this extension, users on your site will be able to browse your PLP using Infinite Scroll.

Related Topics

General Notices