Inventory Adjustment

An inventory adjustment transaction records the change in quantity and resulting value of inventory items within a location. For example, this transaction can be used to account for clerical errors, changes in cost, thefts, or miscounts. If you use the LIFO or FIFO costing methods, this transaction preserves the quantity and value of an inventory item and preserves the costing history of the item.

This transaction is available when the Inventory feature is enabled. This record has one subrecord: inventory detail. For more details about this type of transaction, see Inventory Adjustments.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the inventory adjustment record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s inventory adjustment reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record IDs

The record ID for an inventory adjustment REST record is inventoryadjustment.

The record ID for an inventory detail REST subrecord is inventorydetail.


There are no prerequisites for using the record in REST.

Sample Codes

The following example shows how to create an inventory adjustment:

            POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/inventoryadjustment{ "account": { "id": "1", "refName": "Checking" }, "adjLocation": { "id": "1", "refName": "WMS Warehouse 1" }, "customer": { "id": "19" }, "inventory": { "items": [ { "adjustQtyBy": 5.0, "item": { "id": "20", "refName": "Item" }, "line": 1, "location": { "id": "1", "refName": "WMS Warehouse 1" } }, { "adjustQtyBy": 10.0, "item": { "id": "21", "refName": "Item2" }, "line": 2, "location": { "id": "2", "refName": "WMS Warehouse 2" } } ] }, "postingPeriod": { "id": "194", "refName": "Jun 2023" }, "subsidiary": { "id": "1", "refName": "WMS" }


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