Inventory Count

An inventory count transaction records the results of a physical count of items in a location. Inventory counts can initiate an inventory adjustment to update on-hand quantities based on the results.

This transaction is available when Inventory Count feature is enabled. Inventory counts for lot and serialized items require the Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management feature. Inventory count records have one subrecord: count detail. For more information, see Inventory Count.

The REST API Browser includes information about the field names and field types of the inventory count record, and about the HTTP methods, request parameters, and operations available to this record. For details, see the REST API Browser’s inventory count reference page.

For information about using the REST API Browser, see The REST API Browser.

Record IDs

The record ID for an inventory count REST record is inventorycount.

The record ID for a count detail REST subrecord is countdetail.


There are no prerequisites for using the record in REST.

Usage Notes

Review the following notes on working with the inventory count REST record:

  • Snapshot inventory detail and adjustment inventory detail are not accessible through REST but available in NetSuite UI.

  • Start, Approve, and Complete actions are not accessible through REST. Perform any of these actions on the NetSuite UI before you can perform the corresponding updates through REST.

  • When an inventory count is in Started status, items cannot be added or deleted from the list.

Sample Codes

The sample codes show common use cases for inventory counts.

Creating an Inventory Count

The following example shows how to create an inventory count:

              POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/inventorycount { "subsidiary": {"id": 1}, "location": {"id": 1}, "item": { "items": [{ "item": { "id": "206" }, "binNumber": { "id": "20", "refName": "W1-Z3-Storage" } }] }


Updating an Inventory Count

The following example shows how to enter the count quantity and details of an inventory count in Started status:

                PATCH {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/inventorycount/2177 { "item": { "items": [ { "countLine": 1, "countQuantity": 4.0, "countDetail": { "inventoryDetail": { "items": [ { "inventoryStatus": {"id": "1" }, "quantity": 4.0 } ] } } } ] }


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