Enabling Auto-Generated Numbers for Campaigns

If auto-generated numbers for campaigns are enabled, a campaign ID is automatically assigned when a campaign record is created. Auto-generated numbers should be enabled prior to creating keyword campaigns. In your keyword campaign, only enter the URL of the destination page in the URL field. When the record is saved, the campaign ID parameter is added to the URL.

For example, many of Wolfe Electronics paid keywords direct customers to Wolfe’s home page. The URL for a keyword campaign might look like:



In this example, 420 is the campaign ID for this search keyword.

To enable auto-generated numbers for campaigns:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Auto-Generated Numbers.

  2. On the CRM subtab, check the Enable box for Campaign.

  3. Click Save.

After auto-generated numbers are enabled, you can create your keyword campaign.

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