Tracking Campaign Revenue

When you select a campaign in the Lead Source field on a transaction, the transaction's revenue is associated with the campaign.

Before you send your first campaign, you should set the Default Lead Source on Sales Transactions preference. Go to Setup > Marketing > Preferences > Marketing Preferences. This preference determines which campaign displays by default in the Lead Source field on transactions entered manually or taken through your web store. For more information, see Marketing Preferences.

This preference is set to Based on Lead Source by default. You can associate a customer with a campaign in three ways:

For more information, see Passing Parameters Through URLs and Tracking Lead Sources for Web Store Visitors.

Cost and ROI

You measure return on investment (ROI) when you compare the cost of a campaign with the revenue it generates.

When you initiate a campaign, enter the cost of the campaign in the Base Cost field. If the campaign includes individual campaign events, enter the cost of each campaign event. The sum of the cost of all campaign events and the campaign's base cost displays in the Total Cost field.

When orders include lead sources, the sales revenue is tied to your campaigns. ROI is calculated by dividing the revenue by the cost of the campaign.

For information about ROI reports, see Campaign ROI Analysis Summary Report and Campaign ROI Analysis Detail Report.

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