Setting Up Email Approval Preferences

You must set the following email approval preferences before you could use the email approval capability.

To set up email approval preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Approval Process Manager > Preferences.

  2. On the Email Approval subtab, complete the following fields:

    1. Approval by Email – Check this box to enable the email approval capability.

      When enabled, employees can approve or reject records through email.


      Ensure that the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is already enabled to avoid errors.

    2. Approval Request Email Recipient – If not already set, copy and paste the automatically generated email address by the SuiteApprovals email capture plugin.

      For more information, see Enabling the Email Capture Plugin for Email Approvals.

    3. Approval Request Email Expiration (Days) – Enter the number of days you want to give approvers to send back a response. Current valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 60.


      The record timestamp is based on the submitter’s time zone.

    4. Invalid Response Default Sender – Select the employee you want to see as sender of validation error messages.

      Ensure that the default sender’s employee record is not inactivated or deleted while email approval is enabled. The employee’s email address must be active.

    5. Depending on the record types SuiteApprovals supports in your account, select your preferred PDF template.

      If you prefer to use the standard templates, you should use the following PDF templates for each supported record type:

      1. Purchase Order – Select the Standard Purchase Order PDF/HTML Template.

      2. Expense Report – Select the Standard Expense Report PDF/HTML Template.

      3. Vendor Bill – Select the SuiteApprovals Vendor Bill PDF/HTML Template.

      4. Journal Entry – Select the Standard Journal Entry PDF/HTML Template.

      5. Sales Order – Standard the Sales Order PDF/HTML Template.

      6. Purchase Order Requisition – Select the Standard Purchase PDF/HTML Template.


      Ensure that the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature is enabled in your account. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature.

      If you enabled the feature but are unable to select templates, see Setting Up Prerequisites for Supported Record Types to make sure you have set the required settings for record types.

  3. Click the Cleanup subtab.

  4. In the Email Approval Response Retention (Days) field, enter the number of days for retaining email response records in the system. Value must be a whole number from 1 to 365.

    When the retention period is met, all email approval logs are purged except those that are under review.

  5. Click Save.

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