Verify Strike-Through Pricing is Enabled and Default Price Level is Set


Strike-Through Pricing is enabled by default on the Shopping Catalog tab of the SuiteCommerce Configuration Record. The default price level is set by default to pricelevel1. For more information, see Enable Strike-Through Behavior and Default Price Level.

To verify Strike-Through Pricing is enabled:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select your website and domain and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Shopping Catalog tab.

  4. Confirm the Enable Strike-Through Behavior box is checked. Check this box if it is not checked.

  5. Click Save.

To verify the default price level is set:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select your website and domain and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Shopping Catalog tab.

  4. Confirm the Default Price Level field is set to pricelevel1.

  5. Enter pricelevel1 in the Default Price Level field if it is not already there.

  6. Click Save.

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