Add Default Price Level to Field Sets

The price level that you set as the Default Price Level in the Shopping Catalog tab of the SuiteCommerce Configuration Record must be added to the Details field set, the Search and Matrix Child Items field sets, and all other field sets that display an item with its price (and you want to display strike-through pricing for that item). For example, if you set the default price level to pricelevel1, add the Base Price field and its formatted version to the relevant field sets as described in the following steps.

Price Fields and Corresponding Levels

When adding the field for the default price level, be aware of the following:

To add the field for the default price level:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites >Web Site List.

  2. Click Edit next to the website for which you want to display strike-through pricing.

  3. Go to the Field Sets tab.

  4. Add the Base Price and the Base Price (Formatted) field to the Details field set:

    1. Locate the Fields Included in Field Set column of the Details field set and click the Set icon to open the Field Set window.

    2. Select the Base Price field from the Field Name list and click Add.

      There may be more than one Base Price field available. Be sure to select the one with a field ID of pricelevel1.

    3. In the Field Set window, click Submit.

    4. In the Field Set row, click OK.

    5. Repeat Steps a through d to add the Base Price (Formatted) field to the Details field set.

      There may be more than one Base Price (Formatted) field available. Be sure to select the one with a field ID of pricelevel1_formatted.

    6. Repeat Steps a through e to add Alternate Price 1 ( pricelevel2), Alternate Price 2 ( pricelevel3), Alternate Price 3 ( pricelevel4), and Online Price ( pricelevel5) fields as required.

  5. Repeat Step 4 for the following:

    • Search field set.

    • Matrix Child Items field set.

    • All other field sets that display an item with its price if you want to display strike-through pricing for that item.

  6. Click Save.

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