Setting Up Fulfillment Requests

This section lists prerequisites as well as steps in the process for setting up fulfillment requests.


The following features are required to enable the Fulfillment Request feature. If the features are not currently enabled in your account, they will be enabled automatically when you enable the Fulfillment Request feature.

Fulfillment Requests Setup Steps

Complete the following steps to set up fulfillment requests:

  1. Enable the Fulfillment Request feature.

  2. Choose which types of locations will use fulfillment requests.

  3. Verify that location records have the correct location type.

  4. Create fulfillment exception reasons.

  5. Automate creation of fulfillment requests.

Step 1. Enable the Fulfillment Request feature.

To enable the Fulfillment Request feature, you also need to enable the following features at the same time if they are not already enabled: Locations, Multi-Location Inventory, Advanced Shipping, and Pick, Pack and Ship.

To enable the Fulfillment Request feature:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

  2. Click the Transactions subtab.

  3. Under Shipping and Receiving, check the Fulfillment Request box.

  4. Click Save.

When you enable the Fulfillment Request feature, the following changes occur in your NetSuite account:

Step 2. Choose which types of locations will use fulfillment requests.

You can limit usage of fulfillment requests based on location type. The default setting for fulfillment requests limits usage to locations that have the type Store.


The following settings apply to shipping orders only. If the Store Pickup feature is enabled, all store pickup orders will use the fulfillment request record automatically. See Fulfilling Store Pickup Orders for more information.

To set which location types use fulfillment requests:

  1. Go to Setup > Order Management > Setup Tasks > Advanced Order Management.

  2. Click the Fulfillment Requests subtab.

  3. Choose the location types with which you want to use fulfillment requests. The Store location type is selected by default.


    The fulfillment request transaction will be mandatory for all locations that have the selected location types.

  4. Click Save.

    If you want to automate the creation of fulfillment requests, you must also choose automation settings – see Fulfillment Request Creation for more information.

Step 3. Verify that location records have the correct location type.

Check that the Location Type field on location records is correct. Location records must have the same location type as one of the location types you selected for fulfillment requests on the Advanced Order Management Setup page.

For example, if you want to use fulfillment requests for stores only, make sure that each location record for your stores has the location type set to Store. The Location Type field is set to blank by default. See Creating Locations for more information about location records.

To verify the location type of location records:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Locations.

  2. Click Edit next to the location you want to check.

  3. Verify that the Location Type field matches the fulfillment requests setting on the Advanced Order Management Setup page. If not, edit the location record, select the relevant location type, and save your changes.

Step 4. Create fulfillment exception reasons.

Optional. You can log a fulfillment exception in the system when a problem occurs with the fulfillment of an order. If you want to enter exceptions on fulfillment requests, you must create fulfillment exception reasons. See Defining Fulfillment Exception Reasons.

Step 5. Automate creation of fulfillment requests.

Optional. You can configure NetSuite to create fulfillment requests automatically after a sales order is saved in the system. See Fulfillment Request Creation.


You can combine the automatic creation of fulfillment requests with the automatic assignment of locations. You must enable the Automatic Location Assignment feature in your account to assign fulfillment locations automatically to sales orders. See Automatic Location Assignment for more information.

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