Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Import

In NetSuite OneWorld, an advanced intercompany journal entry records the impact of transactions between a "from", or originating, subsidiary and multiple "to", or receiving subsidiaries.

You can import multiple advanced intercompany journal entries from another system into NetSuite. Each import job can include data for any combination of classes, department, locations, and subsidiaries.


To import a single advanced intercompany journal entry, you can use a simpler import process available at Transactions > Financial > Make Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries > Import to import a single advanced intercompany journal entry. For more information, see Single Journal Entry Import.

Import is supported for journal entries with up to 10,000 lines. However, poor performance results during import and in the user interface for journal entries with over 1000 lines, and these large journal entries may not be editable in the user interface.

Review the following guidelines for advanced intercompany journal entry imports.

Permissions for Importing Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries with the Import Assistant

To use the Import Assistant to import advanced intercompany journal entries, you need the following permissions:

To set journal entries to approved during import, you also need:

If you have the Make Journal Entry and Posting Period on Transactions permissions, but not the Import CSV File permission, you can use the Single Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Import. For more information, see Single Journal Entry Import.

To enable users to use the Import Assistant to import journal entries, an account administrator should do the following:

  1. Create a new custom role that includes only the Make Journal Entry (Edit or Full), Posting Period on Transactions (Full), and Import CSV File permissions.

  2. Add this new role to all users who require the ability to import journals.

  3. Instruct users that they should choose this role when they import journals.

For users who need to set journal entries to approved during import, a custom role can be created with the Make Journal Entry, Posting Period on Transactions, Import CSV File, and Journal Approval permissions.

Users' access to subsidiaries also impacts the journal entries that they can import. For more information, see Control Employee Access to Subsidiaries.

Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry CSV File Requirements

Review the following requirements for advanced intercompany journal entry files:

Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Supported Fields

The Import Assistant Field Mapping page displays the list of advanced intercompany journal entry fields for which you can import data. Header-level fields are listed under Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry and line-level fields are listed under the Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Line sublist. These are the fields for which you can include data in your CSV file.

This list is adjusted according to your permissions and to the features enabled in your account. By default, all fields on your preferred entry form, including custom fields, are available. You can specify a custom journal entry form, so that form's fields are available instead. This option is not available for Single Journal Entry Import. See Custom Form Specification for Journal Entry Imports.

For more information about journal entry import fields, see the following topics:

For details about fields that can be mapped, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s advanced intercompany journal entry reference pages. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

Usage Notes

Creating Book Specific Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries

The advanced intercompany journal entry record contains an Accounting Book and an Is Book Specific field. In accounts that have the Multi-Book Accounting feature enabled, you can use these fields to create book specific advanced intercompany journal entries. For information about Multi-Book Accounting, see Multi-Book Accounting Overview and Using Multi-Book Accounting.

Auto-balancing Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries

If you use the Automated Intercompany Management feature, you can use the Auto Balance functionality to automatically add elimination lines and balance the transaction during CSV import. The balancing lines are automatically populated. For more information, see Making Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries.

Using Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Import for Updates

For advanced intercompany journal entries that already exist in NetSuite, you can:

If you set the data handling option to Update for an advanced intercompany journal entry import, any CSV file line field values for existing transactions are appended as additional lines per transaction.

Check the Overwrite Sublists box in the advanced options to replace, overwrite, or add journal entry lines in the advanced intercompany journal entry imports.


The lines of the Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Line sublist are not keyed, therefore you cannot directly update specific lines. To update journal entry lines, ensure you have exported all journal entry lines, make the necessary changes in the sublist lines, check the Overwrite Sublists box in the advanced options, and overwrite the whole sublist.


Single Journal Entry Import does not support updates.

Custom Form Specification for Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Import

By default the Field Mapping page for an advanced intercompany journal entry import displays the NetSuite fields from your preferred journal entry form as available for mapping. The default form for your role may not include all the fields you need to import. To ensure that the appropriate fields are available for mapping, you can select any journal entry form that is available to your role, in the Advanced Options area of the Import Assistant's Import Options page. For more information, see Set Advanced CSV Import Options.


Single Journal Entry Import does not support custom form specification.

Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry Import Example

The following example adds an advanced intercompany journal entry record.

External ID



Line Subsidiary

Line: Account

Line: Debit



Parent Company


Parent Company

Acc: Dep-Building



Parent Company

Acc: Dep-Furnitures



Parent Company: SUB UK

Fees Receivable



Parent Company: SUB UK

Fees Receivable


Additional Information

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General Notices