Running a BOM Inquiry

A Bill of Materials Inquiry enables you to review the build requirements for an assembly item. The BOM displays the assembly components and the number of each component needed for each assembly.

The system checks for an active default or master default BoM for the location and uses that BoM. If a BoM is not default available, the system cannot identify the BoM and so its components won't be displayed.

To run a Bill of Materials Inquiry:

  1. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials Inquiry.

  2. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select a Subsidiary from the list.

  3. Optionally, select an Assembly to filter the available bills of materials.

    The assembly supply type needs to be set as Build for particular location. For example, if an assembly is set to purchase, the system does not expect to source an assembly through Manufacturing. It will be purchased, so no components are expected to be consumed and cost for the assembly will be determined from Purchase.

  4. Optionally, select a Location to display data for that location.

  5. To limit the details to the top level of member items, check the Top Level Only box.

    Sub-assembly information does not appear.

    To show details about all levels of member items, clear the Top Level Only box.

  6. Select a BOM Display Control option:

    • By Date – the Bill of Materials Revision field is disabled.

      If the date changes, the Bill of Materials revision field displays a new BOM revision.

    • By Revision – the Bill of Materials revision field is enabled.

  7. Select the Bill of Materials to run this inquiry against.

    This selection can automatically populate the Bill of Materials Revision and Effective Date fields.

  8. To change the default revision, select a Bill of Materials Revision.

  9. To change the default date, click the Effective Date calendar icon and then select a date from the calendar.

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