Changing the Scheduled Script Runtime

Fixed Assets Management system runs scripts based on a regular schedule. You can change the schedule on some of these scripts if you want the system to run them more frequently.

To change the scheduled script runtime:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. On the Scripts page, click the Deployment link for the script you want to update:

    • FAM Trigger Pre-Compute SS — This script is set to run every Sunday, by default. Select this script to update the runtime for generating a depreciation schedule.

      On the Script Deployments page, click Edit next to customdeploy_fam_triggerprecompute_ss

    • FAM Trigger Reset Process (Scheduled) SS — This script is set to run daily, by default. Select this script to update the runtime for the Asset Reset process.

      On the Script Deployments page, click Edit next to customdeploy_fam_triggerresetsched_ss.

    • FAM Trigger Reports Cleanup SS — This script is set to run daily, by default. Select this script to update the runtime for the Clean Up Report process.

      On the Script Deployments page, click Edit next to customdeploy_fam_trigrptcleanup_recur_ss.

  3. On the Schedule subtab, check the day of the week when you want the script to run, and select a start time.

  4. Click Save. Click Save and Execute to save the changes and run the script.


    The scripts process only the asset records that require a reset or a depreciation schedule.

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