Custom Segments and Custom Fields in Fixed Assets Management Records and Transactions

The Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp lets you extend the custom segments functionality to your fixed assets records. This feature will make your custom segments available in the following records:

To take advantage of this feature, you must enable the Custom Segments feature (see Enabling the Custom Segments Feature). You must also apply the custom segment to the FAM record where you want it to appear. For more information, see Applying a Custom Segment to Record Types.

In FAM journals, the custom segment is shown on the main body or the line item, depending on how you mapped the fields. You can also choose to show the custom segments in fixed assets reports by customizing the XML report template. For more information, see Customizing the Fixed Assets Report Template.


The ability to filter FAM reports by custom segments is currently not available.

Read the following topics for more information:

Applying Custom Segments to Fixed Asset Management Records and Transactions

To apply custom segments to FAM records and transactions:

  1. Create or edit a custom segment. For more information, see Creating a Custom Segment and Editing Custom Segments.

  2. Apply the custom segment to your preferred transactions and to the following FAM records and transactions. For more information, see Applying a Custom Segment to Record Types.

    • In the Application & Sourcing subtab, go to Custom Record Types, and specify the source list for the following FAM records:

      Record Type

      Source List

      FAM Asset


      FAM Asset Proposal

      Source Transaction (Transaction)

      FAM Depreciation History

      Asset (FAM Asset)


      You cannot set the Source List if the custom segment is of the Multiple Select type.

    • In the Application & Sourcing subtab, go to the corresponding subtab to select the following:

      Select the following transactions only if the Custom Transactions feature is enabled in your account. If you select these transactions when the feature is disabled, your selections will not be saved. To enable Custom Transactions, see Enabling the Custom Transactions Feature.




      Fixed Asset Depreciation Entry


      Fixed Asset Disposal Entry


      Fixed Asset Revaluation Entry


      Fixed Asset Transfer Entry

      Select the following transactions if the Custom Transactions feature is disabled in your account. If the feature is enabled, the system will disregard Journal Entry if it is selected.





      Sales Transactions

      For disposal invoice


      Journal Entry

      For all journals

      Transaction Columns

      Sale Item

      For invoice column or line field

      Transaction Columns

      Journal Entry

      For journal column or line field

  3. Click Save.

    Take note of the field IDs for Transactions, Transaction Columns, and Custom Record Types. To find the Field ID, open the Custom Segment record, click Application & Sourcing > Transactions, Transaction Columns, or Custom Record Types.

Mapping Custom Segments and Custom Fields to Fixed Assets Management Records

You can map custom segments and custom fields in a transaction to your fixed assets management records. Mapping these fields ensures that the value from the originating transaction is accurately copied to your FAM records.

A custom segment or custom field in a transaction must have a corresponding field in your FAM records. For more information, see Creating a Custom Field and Creating a Custom Segment.


You cannot change the field mapping through inline editing.

To map custom segments and custom fields to FAM records:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Setup > Transaction Field Map > New.

  2. In the FAM Transaction Field Map page, select a value for Asset Field ID Type.

    This field determines the field type of the Asset Field ID and governs the restrictions on the Asset Field ID and Transaction Field ID.


    When you modify a Transaction Field Map record created before version 22.2, you are prompted to set the Asset Field ID Type. If you do not set a value for the field, you cannot update the record.

    • To map custom segments, in the Asset Field ID Type, select Custom Segment and provide values for the following fields:

      • Source Transaction Field ID – Enter the Transaction or Transaction Column Field ID of the custom segment that you want to map to your FAM records.

        If you are mapping a custom segment on a transaction line, you must add a ‘line’ prefix to the field ID. For example, line.cseg_field.

      • Proposal Field ID – Enter the Field ID of the FAM Asset Proposal record type.

      • Asset Field ID – Enter the Field ID of the of the FAM Asset record type.

      • Transaction Field ID – Enter the Transaction or Transaction Column Field ID of the custom segment that you created in the transaction record. This field will appear in both FAM journals and disposal invoices.

        To show the custom segment on the transaction line item, enter the Field ID of the Transaction Column and check the Transaction Line Field box.


        When entering values in the Transaction Field ID, follow these guidelines:

        • You must not enter custom field IDs in this field.

        • For newer segments, the value of the Asset Field ID and Transaction Field ID must be equal.

        • For older segments, the value of the Asset Field ID and Transaction Field ID must have the same segment suffix. For example, custbody_cseg_segment1 and custcol_cseg_segment1.

      • Transaction Line Field – Check this box if the custom segment is added to the line item on the journal or disposal invoice.


      To find the field ID, open the Custom Segment record, and then click Application & Sourcing. Depending on the type of custom segment that you are mapping, go to Transactions, Transaction Columns, or Custom Record Types.

    • To map custom transaction fields, in the Asset Field ID Type, select Custom Field and provide values for the following fields:

      • Source Transaction Field ID – Enter the internal ID of the custom field you created in the transaction record.

      • Proposal Field ID – Enter the internal ID of the custom transaction field you created in the proposal record.

      • Asset Field ID – Enter the internal ID of the custom transaction field you created in the asset record.


      To find the internal ID of a specific field, see Finding Internal IDs of Record Fields.

    To properly map custom fields and custom segments to FAM records, you must provide values for at least 2 adjacent fields. If you want to map a custom field or custom segment to the asset record, for example, you need to provide values for Source Transaction Field ID and Proposal Field ID. If you also want to make the field available in the asset record, you must add a value in the Asset Field ID. You cannot, however, map the Source Transaction Field ID directly to the Asset Field ID. You must always use adjacent fields to map your custom segments and custom fields to FAM records.

  3. Click Save.


    Records that do not comply with the validation rules are flagged during the precompute process. Transaction Field Map records created before version 22.2 are still processed when the system generates a depreciation schedule.

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